Melbourne Company LEASH IT Markets Contact Tracing Bracelet
Melbourne company Leash IT has begun marketing a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) bracelet to help with social distancing and contact tracing in workplaces and public facilities.
The company is pitching the LeashView Social Distancing Bracelet as a tool to help businesses, medical centres, sporting venues, schools, warehouses, shopping centres, concert halls and other facilities to comply with COVID-19 rules.
The bracelet vibrates and flashes a red LED light when within two metres of another LeashView bracelet. It collects the MAC address of the other bracelet and the date and time of the close contact, and each day it uploads those details to a phone app which then uploads it to LeashView software. An organisation can then use this information to create a contact tracing report, with the system alerting close contacts via the phone app.
Leash IT has also announced the integrated LeashView Access Control Camera. The two megapixel camera uses AI to recognise faces, staff members’ ID numbers, and whether they are wearing masks, and checks for elevated body temperature.
Location-based contact tracing
Leash IT also sells a version of the bracelet that records location information, using LeashView software and BLE gateways installed throughout a premises. It also markets the use of wearable BLE tags with gateways and LeashView for location-based contact tracing in workplaces.
The BLE tags transmit every 10 seconds to the gateways. The gateways report the room location and ID of nearby tags, and those details are overlayed on a map by the LeashView software.
“Knowing where they are, where they have been and who else they have been in close contact with enables them to take immediate action in the event of a suspected COVID-19 infection, and minimize the disruption to their business."
Leash IT also sees shopping centres as potential users. The company envisages shopping centre staff members wearing the BLE tags and customer loyalty cards containing the tags. Customers would download a shopping centre’s mobile app to get LeashView functions on their phone, according to Leash IT. LeashView could be used to send reminders to shopping centre employees and customers to sanitise their hands, the company states. Reminders could arrive every hour, or after people have visited more than two shops, for example.
The software could also be used to manage how many people are allowed into a shop at the same time. And it could be used for contact tracing and determining where to clean after an infected person has visited a shopping centre. Administrators could also use the system to verify how many staff members and visitors are in a shopping centre at any moment and during the entire day. And they could use it to determine where the most foot traffic occurs so they can adjust the daily cleaning regime accordingly.
Dark Winter in Australia. Preview of what's coming to the former Republic of the United States in late 2021, early 2022. Australia remains one of the principle test cases for the West.
Hard lockdowns, masks, increased fascism returning to the USA as deaths mount from the Genocide Vaccine. The deaths will be blamed on Covid and the unvaccinated. The dumbest of the dumbass zombies who took the kill shot will be recruited as a Brownshirt Snitch Army Mob, egged on by the MSM. Canada, New Zealand and the UK will get it even worse, because no guns.
You know what I think should be done to the leaders of the Covid 1984 movement, I don't need to say it.
Your masters in the City of London, Rome and Davos observed how truly weak, complaint, pathetic and stupid are the citizens of the Land of Sheep Home of the Slave, and they will be returning for another deep plungering, Round 2. Get ready to bend over again.
0:16 - 0:32 Below : Watch this corpulent pig slip up..."When you have extended families and generations under one roof it will pose a threat to the contagious nature of this vaccine... it's an extremely contagious vaccine"
They seem to be slipping up a lot lately, like Dickhead Durbin from Illinois, who told you the vaccines are killing millions worldwide, and hundreds of thousands already in the United States.
This is all I care about from Australia.
What the Elle is wrong with you?!?!
Get to it.
Here come the pitchforks
Fascist Australia & American NWO Technocrats Team Up
to Silence Dissent & Fence Off Australia from the World
Melbourne Company LEASH IT Markets Contact Tracing Bracelet
Melbourne company Leash IT has begun marketing a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) bracelet to help with social distancing and contact tracing in workplaces and public facilities.
The company is pitching the LeashView Social Distancing Bracelet as a tool to help businesses, medical centres, sporting venues, schools, warehouses, shopping centres, concert halls and other facilities to comply with COVID-19 rules.
The bracelet vibrates and flashes a red LED light when within two metres of another LeashView bracelet. It collects the MAC address of the other bracelet and the date and time of the close contact, and each day it uploads those details to a phone app which then uploads it to LeashView software. An organisation can then use this information to create a contact tracing report, with the system alerting close contacts via the phone app.
Leash IT has also announced the integrated LeashView Access Control Camera. The two megapixel camera uses AI to recognise faces, staff members’ ID numbers, and whether they are wearing masks, and checks for elevated body temperature.
Location-based contact tracing
Leash IT also sells a version of the bracelet that records location information, using LeashView software and BLE gateways installed throughout a premises. It also markets the use of wearable BLE tags with gateways and LeashView for location-based contact tracing in workplaces.The BLE tags transmit every 10 seconds to the gateways. The gateways report the room location and ID of nearby tags, and those details are overlayed on a map by the LeashView software.
“Knowing where they are, where they have been and who else they have been in close contact with enables them to take immediate action in the event of a suspected COVID-19 infection, and minimize the disruption to their business."
Leash IT also sees shopping centres as potential users. The company envisages shopping centre staff members wearing the BLE tags and customer loyalty cards containing the tags. Customers would download a shopping centre’s mobile app to get LeashView functions on their phone, according to Leash IT. LeashView could be used to send reminders to shopping centre employees and customers to sanitise their hands, the company states. Reminders could arrive every hour, or after people have visited more than two shops, for example.
The software could also be used to manage how many people are allowed into a shop at the same time. And it could be used for contact tracing and determining where to clean after an infected person has visited a shopping centre. Administrators could also use the system to verify how many staff members and visitors are in a shopping centre at any moment and during the entire day. And they could use it to determine where the most foot traffic occurs so they can adjust the daily cleaning regime accordingly.
Dark Winter in Australia. Preview of what's coming to the former Republic of the United States in late 2021,
early 2022. Australia remains one of the principle test cases for the West.
Hard lockdowns, masks, increased fascism returning to the USA as deaths mount from the Genocide Vaccine.
The deaths will be blamed on Covid and the unvaccinated. The dumbest of the dumbass zombies who took the
kill shot will be recruited as a Brownshirt Snitch Army Mob, egged on by the MSM. Canada, New Zealand and
the UK will get it even worse, because no guns.
You know what I think should be done to the leaders of the Covid 1984 movement, I don't need to say it.
Your masters in the City of London, Rome and Davos observed how truly weak, complaint, pathetic and stupid are the citizens of the Land of Sheep Home of the Slave, and they will be returning for another deep plungering, Round 2. Get
ready to bend over again.
You heard it here first.
Most people are disgusted with their government.
0:16 - 0:32 Below : Watch this corpulent pig slip up..."When you have extended families and generations under one roof it will pose a threat to the contagious nature of this vaccine... it's an extremely contagious vaccine"
They seem to be slipping up a lot lately, like Dickhead Durbin from Illinois, who told you the vaccines are killing millions worldwide, and hundreds of thousands already in the United States. @DerekJohnson
It's already starting