Not to mention Sawant has an ass the size of Jupiter. It's shocking if you only ever see clips of her from the chest up.
I know you're being sarcastic, but the diameter of Jupiter is 86,881 miles.
Yeah, but what about uranus?
That really is a stupid fucking picture.
It is a stupid fucking picture but it shows exactly how gigantic that idiots ego is. Including declaring bankruptcy and losing the election, she has done absolutely nothing to distinguish herself from a person working the front counter at the welfare office, yet she believes she is Vice President material. She typifies the worst about "color of your skin politics" and the idiot was supposedly on Bidens short list.
Deserts being an archaic word meaning things you deserve or something like that
Sawant led the protestors to Jenny’s front yard 😂
Edit: Usually I would include BRB, JO - but look at who the girl vs girl is
Request granted.