In my circles, it’s incredibly rude to ask another person about their politics, or who they voted for. Compounding that would be if you were in someone else’s home and asked those questions. I couldn’t imagine doing that. Is that something people do in casual social settings these days?
In my circles, it’s incredibly rude to ask another person about their politics, or who they voted for. Compounding that would be if you were in someone else’s home and asked those questions. I couldn’t imagine doing that. Is that something people do in casual social settings these days?
in my circles it’s incredibly rude to ask another person what their mom is charging them in rent
In my circles, it’s incredibly rude to ask another person about their politics, or who they voted for. Compounding that would be if you were in someone else’s home and asked those questions. I couldn’t imagine doing that. Is that something people do in casual social settings these days?
Don't know. The gubmint has outlawed casual social settings these days.
So very confused