blob is certain they got this "information" from a teacher.
Hasn't the strawman's asswhole taken enough abuse for one day Dazzler? What I'm certain of is that this person was never educated in the first place. She is dipshit like IC and you who falls for any piece of misinformation you come across as long as it confirms your biases. Hands up don't shoot Dazzler!!!
She only looks like that due to environmental racism and the fact she is forced to live in a "food desert" with no access to fresh fruit and vegetables. We obviously need more Federal programs to combat this.
She only looks like that due to environmental racism and the fact she is forced to live in a "food desert" with no access to fresh fruit and vegetables. We obviously need more Federal programs to combat this.
You can thank me later for remembering the fake details of your imaginary life, JD/MBA Einstein. Photographic memory can be a curse at times.