We have been harassed for sitting on park benches. We have been forced to cancel weddings, and have not been allowed even to say goodbye to our loved ones or go to their funerals.
But at least I took some comfort in the idea that "we are all in this together".
This is now all gone, seeing how the rules have been flouted by the weekend protests of the Far Left.
Thousands of left-wing activists have freely defied the law to take part in the “Black Lives Matter” and other Leftist protests and marches across Australia.
It’s one rule for them and another rule for the rest of us. You may even call it a "Leftist Privilege" if you wish. The rules that apply to such individuals are entirely different.
The level of hypocrisy is truly staggering, especially because we, law-abiding citizens, have been forced to withhold wedding ceremonies or been excluded from the funerals of our loved ones. Our businesses have been forced into ‘hibernation’ and some of us have now had our livelihoods entirely destroyed.
How can such politicians look their victims in the eye and say it was worth it?
Spreading new cases of coronavirus and force more governmental intervention may very well have been the hidden agenda of some protest organisers.
Ironically, however, these rallies provide more compelling evidence that a “pandemic” has been fabricated for solely ideological reasons, and to further empower the coercive apparatuses of the State at every single level of public administration.
Since the rates of community transmission of Covid-19 are extremely low, and many states are simply not being able to report any new cases for days in a row, there is a real chance that these protests unwillingly expose the anti-democratic agenda and illiberal nature of the ruling elites.
Of course, it will now become extremely difficult for these elites to impose such arbitrary measures on ordinary people, who have so far consented to them without a more proper questioning of their constitutional validity.
In this context our political leaders should be reminded of John Locke, that great ‘Founder of Liberalism’. Locke, whose political philosophy underpins the 1688 Glorious Revolution and the U.S. Declaration of Independence, argued if a government exceeds the limits of its legitimate power, citizens have the lawful right to resist such act of political oppression.
We should not be too hasty in dismissing Locke’s idea of lawful resistance to oppression. This is our classical liberal tradition of constitutional government and it firmly communicates that there cannot be one rule for some and another for the rest of us.
We have sacrificed our freedoms. We have lost our jobs and businesses apparently for nothing. End these draconian restrictions right now or face the lawful (and constitutional) resistance of the Australian people!
Dr Augusto Zimmermann PhD, LLM, LLB, DipEd, CertIntArb
- Professor of Constitutional Law
- Law Reform Commissioner, WA (2012-2017)
They get this shit.