Interesting article. There are repeated charges that the restaurant and hospitality industry is racist and there isn't a single incident of racism identified in the article.
Interesting article. There are repeated charges that the restaurant and hospitality industry is racist and there isn't a single incident of racism identified in the article.
Don't confuse our lefties with facts! They can barely read the title.
What about people and tipping? Any mention of peoples who generally don’t leave a tip?
400 years of slavery are responsible for that.
Huh? Are you saying the color of one's skin exempts them from tipping their server at least 15%? Fuck I try to tip at least 30% because I waited tables for several years when I was young and it's a shit job. Restaurant workers work their asses off for not much money. I give the cart guys $20 when I drop off my cart at the club. I tip anyone who provides a service because almost always they deserve and need that extra pocket change.
What about people and tipping? Any mention of peoples who generally don’t leave a tip?
400 years of slavery are responsible for that.
Huh? Are you saying the color of one's skin exempts them from tipping their server at least 15%? Fuck I try to tip at least 30% because I waited tables for several years when I was young and it's a shit job. Restaurant workers work their asses off for not much money. I give the cart guys $20 when I drop off my cart at the club. I tip anyone who provides a service because almost always they deserve and need that extra pocket change.
But it’s a frightening color