I saw Damian Lillard wearing a Malcolm X shirt in Portland protest last week. Should we break it to Dame that Elijah Muhammad had X assassinated for ultimately going against Black Muslim ideology and preaching MLK’s message?
I saw Damian Lillard wearing a Malcolm X shirt in Portland protest last week. Should we break it to Dame that Elijah Muhammad had X assassinated for ultimately going against Black Muslim ideology and preaching MLK’s message?
Yeah, that's what they want you to believe. It's was really the FBI and whitey.
I'm sure that the irony of wearing a shirt of someone who was killed by a black man is total lost on Lillard. Listening to a black multi-millionaire try to explain to me all the problems that my white privilege have created for him isn't much or an argument that I'm prepared to accept. Promoting the lie that white police are targeting and killing innocent blacks while ignoring that actual targeting and killing of blacks in large numbers is also not a winner.