It doesn’t affect large groups of liberals so the last two weeks are fine.
This is SCIENCE.
Daddy wasn’t giving you attention, Lionel?
Obese, middle-aged, culture warriors are at greater risk than malnourished, vegan, social justice warriors. Don't you ever read anything?
Trump voters don't need your permission Nancy pants
Group hug of solidarity, I hope.
We missed you during the riots with this bullshit
Not really
The protests will lead to tens of thousands of new cases, at least. But the protests don't explain what has been going on in SoCal, Florida, AZ and Georgia till now. For the most part, the virus is not very likely to be serious in the protesting demographic. The same cannot be said of Daddy's base. But I'm all in favor of Daddy's base getting together with one another. (You don't need, but you do have my permission.)
It doesn’t affect large groups of liberals so the last two weeks are fine.
This is SCIENCE.
Daddy wasn’t giving you attention, Lionel?
Obese, middle-aged, culture warriors are at greater risk than malnourished, vegan, social justice warriors. Don't you ever read anything?
Trump voters don't need your permission Nancy pants
Group hug of solidarity, I hope.
We missed you during the riots with this bullshit
Not really
The protests will lead to tens of thousands of new cases, at least. The protests don't explain what has been going on in SoCal, Florida, AZ and Georgia till now. For the most part, the virus is not very likely to be serious in the protesting demographic. The same cannot be said of Daddy's base.
I thought Covid was racist and went harder after blacks. We’re we lied to?
Of course there will be more cases as there is more non diagnostic testing and things are opening up. No one cares about the person who has no symptoms. Especially now that we know asymptotic spread is “rare”.
Watch hospitalizations. There will by an uptick. But not even close to the “grim” reality predicted 3 months ago.
We all know you are still clinging to hope this thing is going to kill millions of Americans this year, but unfortunately for you the science is settled. You lost
It doesn’t affect large groups of liberals so the last two weeks are fine.
This is SCIENCE.
Daddy wasn’t giving you attention, Lionel?
Obese, middle-aged, culture warriors are at greater risk than malnourished, vegan, social justice warriors. Don't you ever read anything?
Trump voters don't need your permission Nancy pants
Group hug of solidarity, I hope.
We missed you during the riots with this bullshit
Not really
The protests will lead to tens of thousands of new cases, at least. But the protests don't explain what has been going on in SoCal, Florida, AZ and Georgia till now. For the most part, the virus is not very likely to be serious in the protesting demographic. The same cannot be said of Daddy's base. But I'm all in favor of Daddy's base getting together with one another. (You don't need, but you do have my permission.)
Yet you were saying a month ago it’s not the people out in public, but rather who they could spread it to at home.
Why did your Rat governors put infected young people into nursing homes, Dazzler?
It doesn’t affect large groups of liberals so the last two weeks are fine.
This is SCIENCE.
Daddy wasn’t giving you attention, Lionel?
So why not peaceful assemblies? That's what the first guarantees. Not riots as the left has claimed.
Trump voters don't need your permission Nancy pants
Not really
Something about Covid being racist because black people have a higher rate of pre-existing conditions. Don't you ever read anything?
any sort of Floyd protest: good
got it
Of course there will be more cases as there is more non diagnostic testing and things are opening up. No one cares about the person who has no symptoms. Especially now that we know asymptotic spread is “rare”.
Watch hospitalizations. There will by an uptick. But not even close to the “grim” reality predicted 3 months ago.
We all know you are still clinging to hope this thing is going to kill millions of Americans this year, but unfortunately for you the science is settled. You lost
Why did your Rat governors put infected young people into nursing homes, Dazzler?
No bodies stacked like cordwood no lockdown
Trump acted too late anyway according to democrat experts so fuck the fake quarantine
Apparently the vid didn't attack grocery shoppers either