Unless Dorn had fentanyl and meth in his system and a felony record, I can’t bring myself to riot for Mr. Dorn’s murder at the hands of a future brain surgeon.
Unless Dorn had fentanyl and meth in his system and a felony record, I can’t bring myself to riot for Mr. Dorn’s murder at the hands of a future brain surgeon.
He was killed by someone with the wrong skin color for his life to matter. Dorn was a 77 year old black man living in America. He was born back in 1943, during Jim Crow and when blacks were still being lynched and the US military was still segregated. I'd listen to what that man had to say if he wanted to talk about the racism he had experience in his life.
Now we have people who really can't cite any concrete examples of racism they've experienced but they know that they are the victims of "systematic" and "institutionalized" racism. They know that this killing of George Floyd was "racist" and that America itself is a racist country. Because a 5 time convicted felon was killed by two white guys, a black guy and an Asian in one of the more liberal cities in America run by the people they overwhelmingly vote for and with a black police chief.
Unless Dorn had fentanyl and meth in his system and a felony record, I can’t bring myself to riot for Mr. Dorn’s murder at the hands of a future brain surgeon.
He was killed by someone with the wrong skin color for his life to matter. Dorn was a 77 year old black man living in America. He was born back in 1943, during Jim Crow and when blacks were still being lynched and the US military was still segregated. I'd listen to what that man had to say if he wanted to talk about the racism he had experience in his life.
Now we have people who really can't cite any concrete examples of racism they've experienced but they know that they are the victims of "systematic" and "institutionalized" racism. They know that this killing of George Floyd was "racist" and that America itself is a racist country. Because a 5 time convicted felon was killed by two white guys, a black guy and an Asian in one of the more liberal cities in America run by the people they overwhelmingly vote for and with a black police chief.
Would love to know what he thought about the Jussie Smolett hoax. Imagine a guy who was forced to sit in the back of the bus and endured separate water fountains- what did he think about a wealthy black actor who made up his own hate crime and wasted police dollars doing it?
Now we have people who really can't cite any concrete examples of racism they've experienced but they know that they are the victims of "systematic" and "institutionalized" racism. They know that this killing of George Floyd was "racist" and that America itself is a racist country. Because a 5 time convicted felon was killed by two white guys, a black guy and an Asian in one of the more liberal cities in America run by the people they overwhelmingly vote for and with a black police chief.