Seems like you girls would want to acknowledge that the purpose of PIPE BOMBS wouldn't be property destruction, but a much more sinister motive. But I hate to interrupt you when you're making a weaker point.
Seems like you girls would want to acknowledge that the purpose of PIPE BOMBS wouldn't be property destruction, but a much more sinister motive. But I hate to interrupt you when you're making a weaker point.
Seems like you girls would want to acknowledge that the purpose of PIPE BOMBS wouldn't be property destruction, but a much more sinister motive. But I hate to interrupt you when you're making a weaker point.
Seems like you girls would want to acknowledge that the purpose of PIPE BOMBS wouldn't be property destruction, but a much more sinister motive. But I hate to interrupt you when you're making a weaker point.
Yes what a vital fucking point
Wasn't this cocksucker giving me shit earlier today because I corrected his lie about the Feds using tear gas?
The BIG issue is obviously what they used to clear the public square. Strong work blob!
Now he is spiking the ball because pipe bombs aren't used to destroy structures.
The fact that pipe bombs were found on the Mall is no big deal.
HH is hoping they'll use them on they police. Doesn't want then wasting them on memorials to heroes unless they have some left over after killing the police.
HH is hoping they'll use them on they police. Doesn't want then wasting them on memorials to heroes unless they have some left over after killing the police.
Seems more likely they wanted to kill people. But if you prefer they be treated as vandals . . .
People forget that.
Makes sense that the Progs CCP overlords want those remembrances stricken from the books. Mao did the same during the Cultural Revolution.
Obviously you've never been to the Korean War Memorial. Yes - pipe bombs, you fuckstick.
The BIG issue is obviously what they used to clear the public square. Strong work blob!
Now he is spiking the ball because pipe bombs aren't used to destroy structures.
The fact that pipe bombs were found on the Mall is no big deal.