The Left is eating this up. I have friends right now warning about agents of the kkk prowling downtown LA.
If it’s the kkk, so be it. Fuck them up.
You'll have to find them first. Shouldn't be hard. There's only 4.
This. CNN would have you believe they are holding rallies with thousands of well organized people ready to commit mass lynchings. It's actually like 11 dudes all in the same trailer park in Mississippi with about 14 teeth shared between all of them bitching about integration and telling stories of their grandpappy firebombing a church. None of them can even afford a gun, so they train with sticks. It's a joke.
The Left is eating this up. I have friends right now warning about agents of the kkk prowling downtown LA.
If it’s the kkk, so be it. Fuck them up.
You'll have to find them first. Shouldn't be hard. There's only 4.
This. CNN would have you believe they are holding rallies with thousands of well organized people ready to commit mass lynchings. It's actually like 11 dudes all in the same trailer park in Mississippi with about 14 teeth shared between all of them bitching about integration and telling stories of their grandpappy firebombing a church. None of them can even afford a gun, so they train with sticks. It's a joke.
A few members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group, also were present.
“Proud Boys – folks, there are about four of those in the Spokane area, that we know of,” Knezovich said. “They weren’t the ones causing damage.”
The Left is eating this up. I have friends right now warning about agents of the kkk prowling downtown LA.
If it’s the kkk, so be it. Fuck them up.
You'll have to find them first. Shouldn't be hard. There's only 4.
This. CNN would have you believe they are holding rallies with thousands of well organized people ready to commit mass lynchings. It's actually like 11 dudes all in the same trailer park in Mississippi with about 14 teeth shared between all of them bitching about integration and telling stories of their grandpappy firebombing a church. None of them can even afford a gun, so they train with sticks. It's a joke.
But, but the Southern Poverty Law Center says....
SPLC=Biggest Consumer Fraud in America today.
Jim and Tammy BITD ain't got nothin' on those frauds.
The Left and it's Media acolytes literally want another Hitler or Messiah, because it would validate their insane irrational fears and be fantastic for ratings.
Imagine the viewing share CNN would have covering a Nuremberg speech today.
Don't look away, one or another is coming, even if they have to will him, her or xe into existence.
It's been said many times: Most people are fucking sheep. Coronabros are a Prime Example.
“Proud Boys – folks, there are about four of those in the Spokane area, that we know of,” Knezovich said. “They weren’t the ones causing damage.”
SPLC=Biggest Consumer Fraud in America today.
Jim and Tammy BITD ain't got nothin' on those frauds.
Imagine the viewing share CNN would have covering a Nuremberg speech today.
Don't look away, one or another is coming, even if they have to will him, her or xe into existence.
It's been said many times: Most people are fucking sheep. Coronabros are a Prime Example.