Imagine being a leftist cocksucker like IC that you actually pimp the pure bullshit that White Supremacist are behind the violence.
I guess when you've spent the last 3 years swallowing like a bitch the Russian collusion bullshit that kind of racist crap is easy.
There is a faction of white supremacists present in Spokane tonight, sorry to say.
They are agitating and have been all day. They cause problems at various rallies. Proud Boys is their organization. Matt Shea brings them in.
The surrounding PDs and the locals are flooding downtown right now.
Gay Bob in shambles. Of course no one is a racist or white supremacist unless they explicitly say so, right Bobby?
Well we know you’re both a gullible dupe and a cock sucker IC but I don’t believe I’ve heard you say it
I'm not gullible enough to believe you actually have a black wife and kids. Really taking the "I have black friends so I'm not racist" excuse to the next level.
Imagine being a leftist cocksucker like IC that you actually pimp the pure bullshit that White Supremacist are behind the violence.
I guess when you've spent the last 3 years swallowing like a bitch the Russian collusion bullshit that kind of racist crap is easy.
There is a faction of white supremacists present in Spokane tonight, sorry to say.
They are agitating and have been all day. They cause problems at various rallies. Proud Boys is their organization. Matt Shea brings them in.
The surrounding PDs and the locals are flooding downtown right now.
Gay Bob in shambles. Of course no one is a racist or white supremacist unless they explicitly say so, right Bobby?
Well we know you’re both a gullible dupe and a cock sucker IC but I don’t believe I’ve heard you say it
I'm not gullible enough to believe you actually have a black wife and kids. Really taking the "I have black friends so I'm not racist" excuse to the next level.
Just shows what a dumbfuck you are IC.
Explains why you so rarely get anything right and are always falling for left wing bullshit
I guess when you've spent the last 3 years swallowing like a bitch the Russian collusion bullshit that kind of racist crap is easy.
They are agitating and have been all day. They cause problems at various rallies. Proud Boys is their organization. Matt Shea brings them in.
The surrounding PDs and the locals are flooding downtown right now.
Plus Billions is on Sunday Night.
Were they doing the looting and arson?
Explains why you so rarely get anything right and are always falling for left wing bullshit