Minny has an enormous Somali population. Ilhan Omar is the USG rep for Minneapolis. It’s something like 50,000 residents.
Thanks, Bill Clinton, for invading that shithole country and creating all those refugees the US had to take in after your stupid fucking botched war you thought would be a cakewalk.
Won't be long before @Swaye starts counting coup on some looter ass.
It is seriously fucked up what is going on there. Tune into @TerranceWIlliamsDWAG from Race's' link to see what rational people think about this chinsanity. Justice for George Floyd isn't served one iota by burning down police stations, burning down daycare facilities, burning down Native American youth centers, or burning down affordable housing apartments. And looting from local businesses doesn't do anything either.
It's a giant shitshow and that limp dick Mayor is a fucking joke. As Terrance said now lots more people need justice than just Floyd because you burned down their history, their place of work, or their homes. Absolute mess.
Two wrongs don't make a right might be corny and juvenile and cliche but it's also truth.
This definitely doesn't do anything to help Floyd or his family.
Shithole countries run by Tin pot dictators and psychotic tribal warlords. Miserable situations.
Also so water is wet.
You used to be good. Now, not so much.