>>> Even more maddening is that Oregon received $86 Million from the Federal government in 2009 to update its computer systems. And they never did. That money has sat in a trust fund, doing nothing. While investigating why Oregon is taking so long to adapt to the unemployment claims during the Covid shut down, The Oregonian found that state officials have not upgraded much of anything in 11 years:
Spent hundreds of millions on the Oregon state obamacare website which never went live. Spent hundreds of millions studying the proposed new I-5 bridge over the Columbia with no final plan proposed. But the same leftards want to run our health care and energy sectors.
There's a long list of waste, theft and fraud by the state of Oregon in regards to system and software upgrades that were paid for but never implemented. If you back to the original doozie of the DMV's 2 upgrades that never happened in the 90's and '00's, you can easily tally 3/4 of a billion dollars that were spent with no real upgrades.