“It’s hard” to have any sort of expectations on this season, and shame on you if you focus on 40+ 4 star players on the roster or any sort of other perceived advantage because we have so many other disadvantages you haven’t thought about yet or seen manifest themselves yet.
For example, Donovan still hasn’t seen the QBs throw live yet (who knew, hadn’t heard?!) and he’s going to need at least two seasons to figure out what seeing them throw live should actually lead to from an offensive perspective. So very many disadvantages.
I am just going to root for hard fought games with no injuries in completely empty stadiums this fall. Oh, and that our DWAGs are “aggressive”!!!1!!!ELEVEN!!
Already with excuses. Can’t expect to win in a pandemic
While on the one hand we can laud our more proactive player-forward marketing approach post Peterman exit, we should not overlook the associated messaging our AD is very clearly sending to our fans as messaged across a number of reporters and articles (except our patron saint Vorel) -- don't expect too much, hard to manage a football team in a pandemic, etc. Let's be surprised by any upside while generally we should be expecting a blah season given those very many disadvantages. JFC.
Already with excuses. Can’t expect to win in a pandemic
While on the one hand we can laud our more proactive player-forward marketing approach post Peterman exit, we should not overlook the associated messaging our AD is very clearly sending to our fans as messaged across a number of reporters and articles (except our patron saint Vorel) -- don't expect too much, hard to manage a football team in a pandemic, etc. Let's be surprised by any upside while generally we should be expecting a blah season given those very many disadvantages. JFC.
To be fair, Petersman did this every year, even before going 12-2 and preparing his anus for Bamers. I'd take that kind of season again.
For example, Donovan still hasn’t seen the QBs throw live yet (who knew, hadn’t heard?!) and he’s going to need at least two seasons to figure out what seeing them throw live should actually lead to from an offensive perspective. So very many disadvantages.
I am just going to root for hard fought games with no injuries in completely empty stadiums this fall. Oh, and that our DWAGs are “aggressive”!!!1!!!ELEVEN!!