Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
LOL. Thanks for whitesplainin' that to us massah!
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this. And not just the Candace Owens types.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
Trump was never accused of racism until he ran for president. It's the DemoRat strategy that everyone else is racist. Everyone.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
JFC. He said what he meant. It was no gaffe.
It’s interesting to see you carrying water for a racist. Just proves you don’t care about racism, but rather who is racist. Typical hypocritical leftist.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
Trump was never accused of racism until he ran for president. It's the DemoRat strategy that everyone else is racist. Everyone.
I don’t recall many opportunities he had to say “we are going to ban Muslims” or “immigrants who cross the border illegally are rapists.” Arguing the validity of either statement is semantics as is whether or not he actually thinks it, which is what I imagine this post will illicit, but saying it probably is what led to these conclusions.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
Trump was never accused of racism until he ran for president. It's the DemoRat strategy that everyone else is racist. Everyone.
I don’t recall many opportunities he had to say “we are going to ban Muslims” or “immigrants who cross the border illegally are rapists.” Arguing the validity of either statement is semantics as is whether or not he actually thinks it, which is what I imagine this post will illicit, but saying it probably is what led to these conclusions.
Nope. He became a Republican. That's all it takes. Rats are the party of the KKK, voted against ending slavery, voted for segregation, Jim Crow etc.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
Trump was never accused of racism until he ran for president. It's the DemoRat strategy that everyone else is racist. Everyone.
I don’t recall many opportunities he had to say “we are going to ban Muslims” or “immigrants who cross the border illegally are rapists.” Arguing the validity of either statement is semantics as is whether or not he actually thinks it, which is what I imagine this post will illicit, but saying it probably is what led to these conclusions.
That would be a solid point if trump said that. Semantics though.... or actual words.
But back to the point. Leftists are cool with racists. Just not racists they disagree with.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
Trump was never accused of racism until he ran for president. Everyone.
Proof of that? I doubt it... but giving you the benefit of the doubt the for argument's sake...
Maybe nobody thought it mattered when all he was before was a talk show host that only trailer trash watched.
Imagine not understanding why a tweet from a POC might be more relevant to Biden's gaffe than tweets from some white crackers that live in all white trailer parks flying the confederate flag.
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this.
How many of them think Trump isn't a racist and will vote for Trump over Biden because of this single gaffe?
Trump was never accused of racism until he ran for president. Everyone.
Proof of that? I doubt it... but giving you the benefit of the doubt the for argument's sake...
Maybe nobody thought it mattered when all he was before was a talk show host that only trailer trash watched.
You've been reduced to "who is the most racist". That's really all we need to know
There are plenty of tweets from POC out there who are pissed at Biden over this. And not just the Candace Owens types.
It's almost like black people aren't a monolith.
JFC. He said what he meant. It was no gaffe.
It’s interesting to see you carrying water for a racist. Just proves you don’t care about racism, but rather who is racist. Typical hypocritical leftist.
History much?
But back to the point. Leftists are cool with racists. Just not racists they disagree with.
Maybe nobody thought it mattered when all he was before was a talk show host that only trailer trash watched.