Max Baucus, former Dem Senator and former Obama ambassador to China, goes on China Communist State-Run television and compares the current US president to Hitler.
yes they do and they would gladly get behind another Hitler who would kill their "jew" enemies if they could
China is basically doing the same to Muslims by putting them in camps. Nobody cares because it can’t be used to attack Trump. Yet it’s Trump who is Hitler. How many millions has the CCP paid Max Baucus to spread their propaganda? Muslims Held in China’s Detention Camps Speak Out
Max Baucus, former Dem Senator and former Obama ambassador to China, goes on China Communist State-Run television and compares the current US president to Hitler.
yes they do and they would gladly get behind another Hitler who would kill their "jew" enemies if they could
China is basically doing the same to Muslims by putting them in camps. Nobody cares because it can’t be used to attack Trump. Yet it’s Trump who is Hitler. How many millions has the CCP paid Max Baucus to spread their propaganda? Muslims Held in China’s Detention Camps Speak Out
yes they do and they would gladly get behind another Hitler who would kill their "jew" enemies if they could
China is basically doing the same to Muslims by putting them in camps. Nobody cares because it can’t be used to attack Trump. Yet it’s Trump who is Hitler. How many millions has the CCP paid Max Baucus to spread their propaganda? Muslims Held in China’s Detention Camps Speak Out
yes they do and they would gladly get behind another Hitler who would kill their "jew" enemies if they could
China is basically doing the same to Muslims by putting them in camps. Nobody cares because it can’t be used to attack Trump. Yet it’s Trump who is Hitler. How many millions has the CCP paid Max Baucus to spread their propaganda? Muslims Held in China’s Detention Camps Speak Out
The American left is generally evil and hypocritical. They are masters of manipulation and have convinced the sheep of society they are good shepherds
File this in the archive as example 81,000,000
It would be nice of someone to ask LeBron James about Muslims in camps the next time he sucks Xi’s cock and dunks on Trump.
LeChoke annoys the shit out of me and is the most overrated basketball player of all time, but the man knows how to pander to trendy topics to make more money
Max Baucus, former Dem Senator and former Obama ambassador to China, goes on China Communist State-Run television and compares the current US president to Hitler.
TDS is a mental disorder.
They side with China for the same reasons that they side with Muslim terrorists. If you're anti-Western Civ and anti-Christian and anti-Trump you'll get support from the left.
Max Baucus, former Dem Senator and former Obama ambassador to China, goes on China Communist State-Run television and compares the current US president to Hitler.
TDS is a mental disorder.
They side with China for the same reasons that they side with Muslim terrorists. If you're anti-Western Civ and anti-Christian and anti-Trump you'll get support from the left.
They certainly do side with anyone anti-America in any way means shape or form. Imagine if WWII came today! The dems would support Japan and Germany.
Muslims Held in China’s Detention Camps Speak Out
The American left is generally evil and hypocritical. They are masters of manipulation and have convinced the sheep of society they are good shepherds
File this in the archive as example 81,000,000
He doesn't give a fuck