At UW, for example, the athletic department originally projected a surplus of $827,000 in the 2020 financial year (which ends on June 30). It currently anticipates a deficit of $548,000
yikes i k e s
Meanwhile, Chun is facing a similar predicament in Pullman.
methinks cuog predicament is much worse than our? deficit.
Cool. So complete loss of a half of the athletic season, and the university only loses the amount of money it can make back in about eight months? I don't see the problem.
Colleges had needed to cut sports no one cares about for a long time. If the UW hockey team is a fucking club sport but soccer and gymnastics exist, in fucking Seattle Washington, something was fucked up to begin with.
Meanwhile, Chun is facing a similar predicament in Pullman.
methinks cuog predicament is much worse than our? deficit.