Channeling my chinner DDY here but with all the STDs floating around ASU's campus, you'd think the school would be well equipped to handle a COVID outbreak.
Channeling my chinner DDY here but with all the STDs floating around ASU's campus, you'd think the school would be well equipped to handle a COVID outbreak.
Imagine trying to get ASSU students to social distance.
I like the fact that all options are being considered.
It really shows just how hard you are working when you consider ALL options.
Why not consider options like selling scholarship athletes to rich Chinese businessmen as sex slaves to pay for the lost revenue or force them to work in woodchiping plants in a new and innovative alternative energy program?
Channeling my chinner DDY here but with all the STDs floating around ASU's campus, you'd think the school would be well equipped to handle a COVID outbreak.
Imagine trying to get ASSU students to social distance.
They ain't go there to play school.
It really shows just how hard you are working when you consider ALL options.
Why not consider options like selling scholarship athletes to rich Chinese businessmen as sex slaves to pay for the lost revenue or force them to work in woodchiping plants in a new and innovative alternative energy program?
Take that you sustainability bitches