I would be chinclined to agree but if we? don't play without fans we? ain't gonna play at all. And if we don't play at all the program is fucking over. It might be over anyway but it's DONE if the SEC plays this year and we don't.
Our only slim chance is to play an empty season in empty stadiums.
SEC will play. Trust me. So we're fucked...along with our Ty recruiting coaching staff.
Of course they'll play. Everyone knows they'll play. That's the whole point.
Add boating to work and fancy coffee to the long line of Damonian contributions to the half brain lexicon.
Yes, you salty old geezer. My bad @MikeDamone for the lack of proper footnotes.
No no. Please feel free to use my shit. It validated my pathetic existence. I just like to pop in once in awhile and remind people the influence I've had over the years. Because I'm a massive narcissist.
Add boating to work and fancy coffee to the long line of Damonian contributions to the half brain lexicon.
Yes, you salty old geezer. My bad @MikeDamone for the lack of proper footnotes.
No no. Please feel free to use my shit. It validated my pathetic existence. I just like to pop in once in awhile and remind people the influence I've had over the years. Because I'm a massive narcissist.
Does a half empty stadium still qualify as the greatest setting in college football?
We play one game and the Tyee Club is dead. All of ‘em. Have you seen the line at the elevator starting the end of the third-quarter? My God.
Who’s gonna join? Hap Sing from Customer Service at Amazon?
We fucked.
People forget that.