Disagree. Just like fake birds on a golf broadcast and the laugh track for everyone's favorite Seinfeld episodes (hi pup!), I support piped in crowd noise. A silent field is fucking eerie.
Disagree. Just like fake birds on a golf broadcast and the laugh track for everyone's favorite Seinfeld episodes (hi pup!), I support piped in crowd noise. A silent field is fucking eerie.
Disagree. Just like fake birds on a golf broadcast and the laugh track for everyone's favorite Seinfeld episodes (hi pup!), I support piped in crowd noise. A silent field is fucking eerie.
Pup did NOT support piped in crowd noise on SEC games on CBS
The UFC fights have been great with no crowd, hear every smack, but also you can hear the corner coaching in real time. It's an entirely different game.
When I was a kid, NBC briefly experimented with broadcasting NFL games with no announcers.
ESPN still offers this as part of its SkyCam broadcast. Which is a fun alternative to the traditional format. Gives you much more of the ambient stadium atmosphere.
If college football tried to do this, every game would feel like MAC game!
I mean, why isn't anyone else thinking of this idea?
We need more hate in this country ... need to set the country back 50 years