California should be more concerned about how they’re going to pay for additional unemployment. Are they going to have to take an additional loan above the $10B they already took from the federal government? But...but...but...I heard California is doing great!!
Career Democrat politician tells man who employs 37,000 workers at an average $94,000 salary to Fuck off.
Seems like a great way to ru(i)n a state. Almost as dumb as AOC not wanting Amazon’s $25 billion on her district because of a $2 billion tax credit that she thought actually was available to spend on other things.
"The solution is to take all his shit— he got everything he "earned" on his father's connections, and on the security knowing he could always go back and live off that sweet, sweet apartheid money— and let him go.
Rich people keep whining about government, about regulations, about taxes. Let's bring back the 1917 Left— the fucking capital-L Left— for a year or two. We don't have to do it to all of them; we don't even have to do it to very many of them. Use Silicon Valley as a pilot. Confiscate everything the fuckers own. If they're as brilliant as they think they are, they'll have it back in a year, so what's the harm?
It's not something I would normally advocate— total confiscation of private wealth. I'm mostly an incremental socialist, not a radical. But, we need to fix the Overton Window. After a few thousand people get a much-earned smacking around— and we may have to get physical, because some will defend what they have with their lives, which is no more wise than trying to stand one's ground against a train."
Well, bye.gif
Adam Smith's invisible hand don't fuck around.
Seems like a great way to ru(i)n a state. Almost as dumb as AOC not wanting Amazon’s $25 billion on her district because of a $2 billion tax credit that she thought actually was available to spend on other things.
Either one would twatter 'Fuck Tesla' so I guess they are different but the same
I'm kinda disappointed in Elon.
Billionaires should be able to pull way hotter trim than some emo/alt-indie rock chick that is, at best, a 6.
"The solution is to take all his shit— he got everything he "earned" on his father's connections, and on the security knowing he could always go back and live off that sweet, sweet apartheid money— and let him go.
Rich people keep whining about government, about regulations, about taxes. Let's bring back the 1917 Left— the fucking capital-L Left— for a year or two. We don't have to do it to all of them; we don't even have to do it to very many of them. Use Silicon Valley as a pilot. Confiscate everything the fuckers own. If they're as brilliant as they think they are, they'll have it back in a year, so what's the harm?
It's not something I would normally advocate— total confiscation of private wealth. I'm mostly an incremental socialist, not a radical. But, we need to fix the Overton Window. After a few thousand people get a much-earned smacking around— and we may have to get physical, because some will defend what they have with their lives, which is no more wise than trying to stand one's ground against a train."
Lol cd is that you