About that often, I spend a whole night watching the montages of his appearances on Letterman and Conan. He is--by far--the best late night guest that has ever lived.
His Bob Eucker stories crack me up every time I watch them.
About that often, I spend a whole night watching the montages of his appearances on Letterman and Conan. He is--by far--the best late night guest that has ever lived.
His Bob Eucker stories crack me up every time I watch them.
It’s even better on Howard Stern when Artie Lange was on it. Both Lange and MacDonald used to hang with Ueker.
About that often, I spend a whole night watching the montages of his appearances on Letterman and Conan. He is--by far--the best late night guest that has ever lived.
His Bob Eucker stories crack me up every time I watch them.
It’s even better on Howard Stern when Artie Lange was on it. Both Lange and MacDonald used to hang with Ueker.
His Bob Eucker stories crack me up every time I watch them.