Sure it's not a flawless methodology but that's the way new cases have been reported thus far and should at least be directionally accurate. It's sure as hell closer to reality than wherever @bendmeover got his numbers from.
And still meaningless
Georgia opened up and the Covidiots pray for death
Georgia had 500,000 visitors from neighboring states.
Event 201 = Gates... ID2020 = Gates... Coronavirus patent = Gates... Covid vaccine = Gates... WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN funding = Gates... Fauci/Birx/Tedros funding = Gates... New Economy based on Human Activity (060606) = Gates...
-Hypothesize a simulated global outbreak, required steps, various phases, overall timeline and expected outcomes (Rockefeller - Lock Step, 2010)
-Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan (SARS/HIV hybrid research strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab from 2008-2013 as part of a research project to find out why coronavirus's spread like wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans (hence the 4 HIV inserts, aka the missing key to infect the human ACE-2 receptor))
-Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a "BACKUP plan" ready to be released in phase 3 BUT ONLY IF NEEDED (SARS/HIV/MERS weaponized tribrid strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab in 2015)
-Transport the research strain to a different class 4 lab (National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg Canada) and have it stolen and smuggled out by China (Shi Zhengli) on purpose and taken to China's only class 4 lab (Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China) for added plausible deniability and to help cement the wanted BACKUP public script as something to fall back on IF needed (primary script being its natural, backup script being that China created it and released it by accident)
-Fund all the talking heads (Fauci/Birx/Tedros...) and agencies (WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN...) that would be involved with pandemic response prior to the planned release of the research strain to control the wanted script throughout the operation
-Create and fund the vaccination development and roll-out plan so its capable of being rolled out on a global scale (Gates - Decade of Vaccines: Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020)
-Create and fund the vaccination verification/certification protocols (Digital ID) to enforce/confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory roll-out is enacted (Gates - ID2020)
-Simulate the Lock Step hypothesis just prior to the planned research strain release using a real-world exercise as a final wargame to determine expected response/timelines/outcomes (Gates - Event 201, Oct 2019)
-Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself and then blame it's released on a natural scapegoat as the wanted primary script (the Wuhan wet market, Nov 2019)
-Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lockdown/respond to avoid initial infection
-Once a country has seed infection in place, lockdown incoming/outgoing travel but keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible
-Once enough people in a country/region are infected, enact forced quarantines/isolation for that area and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time
-Over-hype the mortality rate by tying the research strain to deaths that have little to nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum (if anyone dies for ANY reason and is found they have COVID consider it a COVID death & if anyone is thought to of MAYBE had symptoms of COVID to assume they have COVID and consider it a COVID death)
-Keep the public quarantined for as long as possible to destroy the regions economy, create civil unrest, breakdown the supply chain, and cause the start of mass food shortages, as well as cause peoples immune system to weaken due to lack of interaction with other people/bacteria (the outside world... aka the things that keeps our immune system alert and active)
-Downplay and attack any potential "treatments" and continue to echo that only a "cure" is viable to fight this virus (aka a vaccine)
-Continue to drag out the quarantine over and over and over again (in 2 week intervals) causing more and more people to eventually stand up and protest/defy them
-Eventually end the phase 1 quarantine once they get enough public push-back (~June 2020), and publicly state that they still think it's "too early" to end the isolation but are going to do it anyways
-Once the public go "back to normal" wait a few weeks and then continue to over-hype the research strain mortality rate (~Aug-Sept 2020), and combine it with the increase in deaths due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate then normal due to having highly weakened immune systems from months of being in isolation, to help further "pad" the mortality rate and hype the upcoming phase 2 lockdown
-Eventually enact phase 2 quarantines (~Oct-Nov 2020) on a even more extreme level and blame the protesters (mostly people who don't trust their government already) for the cause of the "larger" 2nd wave (we told you so, it was too early, this is all your fault cause you needed a hair cut, your freedoms have consequences...)
-Enforce the phase 2 quarantines at a much more extreme level, increasing the penalty for defiance (replace fines with jail time), deem ALL travel as non-essential, increase checkpoints (including military assistance), increase tracking/tracing of the population (mandatory apps), take over control of food/gas (large scale shortages) so that people can only get access to essential products/services if they are FIRST given permission
-Keep the phase 2 lockdown in place for a much longer period of time then the phase 1 lockdown, continuing to destroy the global economy, further degrade the supply chain, and further amplify the food shortages, and alike
-Quell any public outrage using extreme actions/force and make anyone who defy's them appear as public enemy #1 to those who are willing to submit
-After a rather long phase 2 lockdown (6+ months), roll-out the vaccination program + vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone (giving priority access to those that submitted from the start), and have those that are for it attack those that are against it saying they are a threat and the cause of all the problems (we can't go back to normal until EVERYONE takes the vaccine... people defying them are hurting our way of life and therefore are the enemy)
-If the majority of people go along with the agenda then let those people enter the new system (new normal) while limiting the minority that defy the agenda's ability to work/travel/live
-If the majority of people go against the agenda then release the weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS tribrid strain as phase 3, a virus with a 30%+ mortality rate as a final scare to push the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final "we told you so" to those that didn't listen
-Enact the new economy model (Microsoft patent 060606 - Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data) which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit (tweaked version of Black Mirror's "Fifteen Million Merits") using food/water/shelter and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new economic system. Basically do what we want and get rewarded (gain credits/score and gain more access to things you need to survive) or go against what we want and get penalized (lose credits/score and lose access to things you need to survive).
...Welcome to the New World Order..
And I would like to add that if anyone thinks that this isn't true then check out parts of China, they already have the cryptocurrency system in place in certain areas...
Event 201 = Gates... ID2020 = Gates... Coronavirus patent = Gates... Covid vaccine = Gates... WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN funding = Gates... Fauci/Birx/Tedros funding = Gates... New Economy based on Human Activity (060606) = Gates...
-Hypothesize a simulated global outbreak, required steps, various phases, overall timeline and expected outcomes (Rockefeller - Lock Step, 2010)
-Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan (SARS/HIV hybrid research strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab from 2008-2013 as part of a research project to find out why coronavirus's spread like wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans (hence the 4 HIV inserts, aka the missing key to infect the human ACE-2 receptor))
-Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a "BACKUP plan" ready to be released in phase 3 BUT ONLY IF NEEDED (SARS/HIV/MERS weaponized tribrid strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab in 2015)
-Transport the research strain to a different class 4 lab (National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg Canada) and have it stolen and smuggled out by China (Shi Zhengli) on purpose and taken to China's only class 4 lab (Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China) for added plausible deniability and to help cement the wanted BACKUP public script as something to fall back on IF needed (primary script being its natural, backup script being that China created it and released it by accident)
-Fund all the talking heads (Fauci/Birx/Tedros...) and agencies (WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN...) that would be involved with pandemic response prior to the planned release of the research strain to control the wanted script throughout the operation
-Create and fund the vaccination development and roll-out plan so its capable of being rolled out on a global scale (Gates - Decade of Vaccines: Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020)
-Create and fund the vaccination verification/certification protocols (Digital ID) to enforce/confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory roll-out is enacted (Gates - ID2020)
-Simulate the Lock Step hypothesis just prior to the planned research strain release using a real-world exercise as a final wargame to determine expected response/timelines/outcomes (Gates - Event 201, Oct 2019)
-Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself and then blame it's released on a natural scapegoat as the wanted primary script (the Wuhan wet market, Nov 2019)
-Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lockdown/respond to avoid initial infection
-Once a country has seed infection in place, lockdown incoming/outgoing travel but keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible
-Once enough people in a country/region are infected, enact forced quarantines/isolation for that area and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time
-Over-hype the mortality rate by tying the research strain to deaths that have little to nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum (if anyone dies for ANY reason and is found they have COVID consider it a COVID death & if anyone is thought to of MAYBE had symptoms of COVID to assume they have COVID and consider it a COVID death)
-Keep the public quarantined for as long as possible to destroy the regions economy, create civil unrest, breakdown the supply chain, and cause the start of mass food shortages, as well as cause peoples immune system to weaken due to lack of interaction with other people/bacteria (the outside world... aka the things that keeps our immune system alert and active)
-Downplay and attack any potential "treatments" and continue to echo that only a "cure" is viable to fight this virus (aka a vaccine)
-Continue to drag out the quarantine over and over and over again (in 2 week intervals) causing more and more people to eventually stand up and protest/defy them
-Eventually end the phase 1 quarantine once they get enough public push-back (~June 2020), and publicly state that they still think it's "too early" to end the isolation but are going to do it anyways
-Once the public go "back to normal" wait a few weeks and then continue to over-hype the research strain mortality rate (~Aug-Sept 2020), and combine it with the increase in deaths due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate then normal due to having highly weakened immune systems from months of being in isolation, to help further "pad" the mortality rate and hype the upcoming phase 2 lockdown
-Eventually enact phase 2 quarantines (~Oct-Nov 2020) on a even more extreme level and blame the protesters (mostly people who don't trust their government already) for the cause of the "larger" 2nd wave (we told you so, it was too early, this is all your fault cause you needed a hair cut, your freedoms have consequences...)
-Enforce the phase 2 quarantines at a much more extreme level, increasing the penalty for defiance (replace fines with jail time), deem ALL travel as non-essential, increase checkpoints (including military assistance), increase tracking/tracing of the population (mandatory apps), take over control of food/gas (large scale shortages) so that people can only get access to essential products/services if they are FIRST given permission
-Keep the phase 2 lockdown in place for a much longer period of time then the phase 1 lockdown, continuing to destroy the global economy, further degrade the supply chain, and further amplify the food shortages, and alike
-Quell any public outrage using extreme actions/force and make anyone who defy's them appear as public enemy #1 to those who are willing to submit
-After a rather long phase 2 lockdown (6+ months), roll-out the vaccination program + vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone (giving priority access to those that submitted from the start), and have those that are for it attack those that are against it saying they are a threat and the cause of all the problems (we can't go back to normal until EVERYONE takes the vaccine... people defying them are hurting our way of life and therefore are the enemy)
-If the majority of people go along with the agenda then let those people enter the new system (new normal) while limiting the minority that defy the agenda's ability to work/travel/live
-If the majority of people go against the agenda then release the weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS tribrid strain as phase 3, a virus with a 30%+ mortality rate as a final scare to push the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final "we told you so" to those that didn't listen
-Enact the new economy model (Microsoft patent 060606 - Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data) which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit (tweaked version of Black Mirror's "Fifteen Million Merits") using food/water/shelter and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new economic system. Basically do what we want and get rewarded (gain credits/score and gain more access to things you need to survive) or go against what we want and get penalized (lose credits/score and lose access to things you need to survive).
...Welcome to the New World Order..
And I would like to add that if anyone thinks that this isn't true then check out parts of China, they already have the cryptocurrency system in place in certain areas...
Sure it's not a flawless methodology but that's the way new cases have been reported thus far and should at least be directionally accurate. It's sure as hell closer to reality than wherever @bendmeover got his numbers from.
And still meaningless
Georgia opened up and the Covidiots pray for death
Georgia had 500,000 visitors from neighboring states.
It's over. Stop the bullshit
The fucking idiot got his numbers from "worldometer" LOL!
Yeah, it's the site that most of this board and the media has referenced during this entire pandemic. Pay attention.
The reason the recent numbers from the Georgia health site are lower is because they're reporting it differently. They are attributing the confirmed cases to the date symptoms started vs when the positive case was confirmed. This means they are retroactively going back and adding cases to dates in the past once a positive case comes through. This will understate more recent dates.
Read the disclaimer dumbfuck. 14-day window – Confirmed cases over the last 14 days may not be accounted for due to illnesses yet to be reported or test results may still be pending.
It doesn't matter you absolute waste of space. The site is there to show trends. If the trends don't make you FEEL GOOD you can shove them up your fat ass for all I care.
Sure it's not a flawless methodology but that's the way new cases have been reported thus far and should at least be directionally accurate. It's sure as hell closer to reality than wherever @bendmeover got his numbers from.
And still meaningless
Georgia opened up and the Covidiots pray for death
Georgia had 500,000 visitors from neighboring states.
It's over. Stop the bullshit
The fucking idiot got his numbers from "worldometer" LOL!
Yeah, it's the site that most of this board and the media has referenced during this entire pandemic. Pay attention.
The reason the recent numbers from the Georgia health site are lower is because they're reporting it differently. They are attributing the confirmed cases to the date symptoms started vs when the positive case was confirmed. This means they are retroactively going back and adding cases to dates in the past once a positive case comes through. This will understate more recent dates.
Read the disclaimer dumbfuck. 14-day window – Confirmed cases over the last 14 days may not be accounted for due to illnesses yet to be reported or test results may still be pending.
It doesn't matter you absolute waste of space. The site is there to show trends. If the trends don't make you FEEL GOOD you can shove them up your fat ass for all I care.
Sure it's not a flawless methodology but that's the way new cases have been reported thus far and should at least be directionally accurate. It's sure as hell closer to reality than wherever @bendmeover got his numbers from.
And still meaningless
Georgia opened up and the Covidiots pray for death
Georgia had 500,000 visitors from neighboring states.
It's over. Stop the bullshit
The fucking idiot got his numbers from "worldometer" LOL!
Yeah, it's the site that most of this board and the media has referenced during this entire pandemic. Pay attention.
The reason the recent numbers from the Georgia health site are lower is because they're reporting it differently. They are attributing the confirmed cases to the date symptoms started vs when the positive case was confirmed. This means they are retroactively going back and adding cases to dates in the past once a positive case comes through. This will understate more recent dates.
Read the disclaimer dumbfuck. 14-day window – Confirmed cases over the last 14 days may not be accounted for due to illnesses yet to be reported or test results may still be pending.
It doesn't matter you absolute waste of space. The site is there to show trends. If the trends don't make you FEEL GOOD you can shove them up your fat ass for all I care.
You are one dumb mother fucker.
"Worldometer" ha ha ha ha.
Atl feels he's winning.
I am out and about and FEELING GOOD. How is the bomb shelter treating you?
Sure it's not a flawless methodology but that's the way new cases have been reported thus far and should at least be directionally accurate. It's sure as hell closer to reality than wherever @bendmeover got his numbers from.
And still meaningless
Georgia opened up and the Covidiots pray for death
Georgia had 500,000 visitors from neighboring states.
It's over. Stop the bullshit
The fucking idiot got his numbers from "worldometer" LOL!
Yeah, it's the site that most of this board and the media has referenced during this entire pandemic. Pay attention.
The reason the recent numbers from the Georgia health site are lower is because they're reporting it differently. They are attributing the confirmed cases to the date symptoms started vs when the positive case was confirmed. This means they are retroactively going back and adding cases to dates in the past once a positive case comes through. This will understate more recent dates.
Read the disclaimer dumbfuck. 14-day window – Confirmed cases over the last 14 days may not be accounted for due to illnesses yet to be reported or test results may still be pending.
It doesn't matter you absolute waste of space. The site is there to show trends. If the trends don't make you FEEL GOOD you can shove them up your fat ass for all I care.
You are one dumb mother fucker.
"Worldometer" ha ha ha ha.
Atl feels he's winning.
I am out and about and FEELING GOOD. How is the bomb shelter treating you?
Probably more of a Mom shelter than a bomb shelter.
Some like polls, some don’t, but this is the issue the GOP faces in November: governors which are seen as an extension of Trump and vice versa. Does this mean Georgia could go full blue in November?
Worldometers pulls their data from the Georgia Public Health Dept and their totals match. That graph is fucked up as some how the daily totals reflected in the overall numbers aren't populating into it. That said Atl's point that the bodies aren't stacking up like cord wood in GA still stands. Let's get this shit opened up.
I’m curious how many Atlanta residents have been going out. I doubt it’s as if a vast majority of people are now out in the streets and that the lowering of the numbers is more due to people remaining to stay in. Atlanta is liberal, they’re not the ones clamoring for freedom.
I can only imagine the number of people who circled this date (2 weeks after Georgia opened) as some silver bullet that opening when they did was fine. Personally I don’t care as much at this point but it’s interesting either way.
Liberals aren't clamoring for freedom?
They aren't liberals
500,000 people have come into Georgia from neighboring states because its open.
You care. A lot.
Is that true? 500,000? That seems like a lot. Are the people coming in being tested when they return to their states of origin or is Georgia testing them?
I think the bulk of people you see protesting and demonstrating for opening are not the liberals discussed on this bored.
They aren't liberals
Why would they be tested?
But then who is being tested in the panacea-like numbers that came out which show opening early apparently wasn’t counter productive? I’d just argue that they’re lower because most are still staying at home and not going out. Did we expect a spike in cases after just two weeks?
Cases don't matter. Hospitalizations matter.
Cases are passing yards. But hospitalizations and deaths are the scoreboard.
Sure it's not a flawless methodology but that's the way new cases have been reported thus far and should at least be directionally accurate. It's sure as hell closer to reality than wherever @bendmeover got his numbers from.
That's not remotely true bc numbers, math, facts, etc.
Don't let that stop you though, I love where you are headed with some quality original thoughts.
Kirsten Bell is another of those fuck/kill/marry mysteries. Hotter than Anna Kendrick but same subset.
That whole 'trucks are kinda my jam' rental vehicle commercial that played constantly during the last March Madness was a real boner killer.
I'd probably go with 'fuck' based on her sorta/kinda nude work in House of Lies.
Worldometers pulls their data from the Georgia Public Health Dept and their totals match. That graph is fucked up as some how the daily totals reflected in the overall numbers aren't populating into it. That said Atl's point that the bodies aren't stacking up like cord wood in GA still stands. Let's get this shit opened up.
I’m curious how many Atlanta residents have been going out. I doubt it’s as if a vast majority of people are now out in the streets and that the lowering of the numbers is more due to people remaining to stay in. Atlanta is liberal, they’re not the ones clamoring for freedom.
I can only imagine the number of people who circled this date (2 weeks after Georgia opened) as some silver bullet that opening when they did was fine. Personally I don’t care as much at this point but it’s interesting either way.
Liberals aren't clamoring for freedom?
They aren't liberals
500,000 people have come into Georgia from neighboring states because its open.
You care. A lot.
Is that true? 500,000? That seems like a lot. Are the people coming in being tested when they return to their states of origin or is Georgia testing them?
I think the bulk of people you see protesting and demonstrating for opening are not the liberals discussed on this bored.
They aren't liberals
Why would they be tested?
But then who is being tested in the panacea-like numbers that came out which show opening early apparently wasn’t counter productive? I’d just argue that they’re lower because most are still staying at home and not going out. Did we expect a spike in cases after just two weeks?
You pose an honest question. I appreciate that. Traffic was backed up today during rush hour. I would say that it was a third of normal. Ate at a restaurant last night. They cut the tables down to half for distancing and the wait was 45 minutes. There was probably 10 couples in line ahead of me. Went to Home Depot, stood in line for 15 minutes to get in.
The beaches on St Simons Island were full of people. Stores were packed with waiting lines. Costco had a 10 minute line.
Companies are following the rules and everyone is out and about following the rules.
No one knows what is going to happen a month from now but GA is proving that getting out and following the rules is a good thing thus far.
Sounds great. But did you come across any Hindus and Moslems praying together peacefully?
Thank You! To those who never studied the past
ID2020 = Gates...
Coronavirus patent = Gates...
Covid vaccine = Gates...
WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN funding = Gates...
Fauci/Birx/Tedros funding = Gates...
New Economy based on Human Activity (060606) = Gates...
-Hypothesize a simulated global outbreak, required steps, various phases, overall timeline and expected outcomes (Rockefeller - Lock Step, 2010)
-Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan (SARS/HIV hybrid research strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab from 2008-2013 as part of a research project to find out why coronavirus's spread like wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans (hence the 4 HIV inserts, aka the missing key to infect the human ACE-2 receptor))
-Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a "BACKUP plan" ready to be released in phase 3 BUT ONLY IF NEEDED (SARS/HIV/MERS weaponized tribrid strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab in 2015)
-Transport the research strain to a different class 4 lab (National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg Canada) and have it stolen and smuggled out by China (Shi Zhengli) on purpose and taken to China's only class 4 lab (Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China) for added plausible deniability and to help cement the wanted BACKUP public script as something to fall back on IF needed (primary script being its natural, backup script being that China created it and released it by accident)
-Fund all the talking heads (Fauci/Birx/Tedros...) and agencies (WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN...) that would be involved with pandemic response prior to the planned release of the research strain to control the wanted script throughout the operation
-Create and fund the vaccination development and roll-out plan so its capable of being rolled out on a global scale (Gates - Decade of Vaccines: Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020)
-Create and fund the vaccination verification/certification protocols (Digital ID) to enforce/confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory roll-out is enacted (Gates - ID2020)
-Simulate the Lock Step hypothesis just prior to the planned research strain release using a real-world exercise as a final wargame to determine expected response/timelines/outcomes (Gates - Event 201, Oct 2019)
-Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself and then blame it's released on a natural scapegoat as the wanted primary script (the Wuhan wet market, Nov 2019)
-Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lockdown/respond to avoid initial infection
-Once a country has seed infection in place, lockdown incoming/outgoing travel but keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible
-Once enough people in a country/region are infected, enact forced quarantines/isolation for that area and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time
-Over-hype the mortality rate by tying the research strain to deaths that have little to nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum (if anyone dies for ANY reason and is found they have COVID consider it a COVID death & if anyone is thought to of MAYBE had symptoms of COVID to assume they have COVID and consider it a COVID death)
-Keep the public quarantined for as long as possible to destroy the regions economy, create civil unrest, breakdown the supply chain, and cause the start of mass food shortages, as well as cause peoples immune system to weaken due to lack of interaction with other people/bacteria (the outside world... aka the things that keeps our immune system alert and active)
-Downplay and attack any potential "treatments" and continue to echo that only a "cure" is viable to fight this virus (aka a vaccine)
-Continue to drag out the quarantine over and over and over again (in 2 week intervals) causing more and more people to eventually stand up and protest/defy them
-Eventually end the phase 1 quarantine once they get enough public push-back (~June 2020), and publicly state that they still think it's "too early" to end the isolation but are going to do it anyways
-Once the public go "back to normal" wait a few weeks and then continue to over-hype the research strain mortality rate (~Aug-Sept 2020), and combine it with the increase in deaths due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate then normal due to having highly weakened immune systems from months of being in isolation, to help further "pad" the mortality rate and hype the upcoming phase 2 lockdown
-Eventually enact phase 2 quarantines (~Oct-Nov 2020) on a even more extreme level and blame the protesters (mostly people who don't trust their government already) for the cause of the "larger" 2nd wave (we told you so, it was too early, this is all your fault cause you needed a hair cut, your freedoms have consequences...)
-Enforce the phase 2 quarantines at a much more extreme level, increasing the penalty for defiance (replace fines with jail time), deem ALL travel as non-essential, increase checkpoints (including military assistance), increase tracking/tracing of the population (mandatory apps), take over control of food/gas (large scale shortages) so that people can only get access to essential products/services if they are FIRST given permission
-Keep the phase 2 lockdown in place for a much longer period of time then the phase 1 lockdown, continuing to destroy the global economy, further degrade the supply chain, and further amplify the food shortages, and alike
-Quell any public outrage using extreme actions/force and make anyone who defy's them appear as public enemy #1 to those who are willing to submit
-After a rather long phase 2 lockdown (6+ months), roll-out the vaccination program + vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone (giving priority access to those that submitted from the start), and have those that are for it attack those that are against it saying they are a threat and the cause of all the problems (we can't go back to normal until EVERYONE takes the vaccine... people defying them are hurting our way of life and therefore are the enemy)
-If the majority of people go along with the agenda then let those people enter the new system (new normal) while limiting the minority that defy the agenda's ability to work/travel/live
-If the majority of people go against the agenda then release the weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS tribrid strain as phase 3, a virus with a 30%+ mortality rate as a final scare to push the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final "we told you so" to those that didn't listen
-Enact the new economy model (Microsoft patent 060606 - Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data) which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit (tweaked version of Black Mirror's "Fifteen Million Merits") using food/water/shelter and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new economic system. Basically do what we want and get rewarded (gain credits/score and gain more access to things you need to survive) or go against what we want and get penalized (lose credits/score and lose access to things you need to survive).
...Welcome to the New World Order..
And I would like to add that if anyone thinks that this isn't true then check out parts of China, they already have the cryptocurrency system in place in certain areas...
Some like polls, some don’t, but this is the issue the GOP faces in November: governors which are seen as an extension of Trump and vice versa. Does this mean Georgia could go full blue in November?
Cases are passing yards. But hospitalizations and deaths are the scoreboard.
No smokeshow though.