I thought there was a massive shortage of bees. Now we don't want them.
I know you're being sarcastic but the bee shortage is part of why we? are concerned about the hornets.
Yes. The big ones are going to bully the native ones. Maybe if they're taught to be kind, this can be averted.
Seriously, it's just more fear and panic porn by the useless MSM. I'm surprised West Nile hasn't been mentioned since Chinese Cough can only last so long.
I thought there was a massive shortage of bees. Now we don't want them.
I know you're being sarcastic but the bee shortage is part of why we? are concerned about the hornets.
Yes. The big ones are going to bully the native ones. Maybe if they're taught to be kind, this can be averted.
Seriously, it's just more fear and panic porn by the useless MSM. I'm surprised West Nile hasn't been mentioned since Chinese Cough can only last so long.
I thought there was a massive shortage of bees. Now we don't want them.
I know you're being sarcastic but the bee shortage is part of why we? are concerned about the hornets.
Yes. The big ones are going to bully the native ones. Maybe if they're taught to be kind, this can be averted.
Seriously, it's just more fear and panic porn by the useless MSM. I'm surprised West Nile hasn't been mentioned since Chinese Cough can only last so long.
I thought there was a massive shortage of bees. Now we don't want them.
I know you're being sarcastic but the bee shortage is part of why we? are concerned about the hornets.
Yes. The big ones are going to bully the native ones. Maybe if they're taught to be kind, this can be averted.
Seriously, it's just more fear and panic porn by the useless MSM. I'm surprised West Nile hasn't been mentioned since Chinese Cough can only last so long.
Seriously, it's just more fear and panic porn by the useless MSM. I'm surprised West Nile hasn't been mentioned since Chinese Cough can only last so long.
Yellow jackets in a pool...maybe. just dunk those fags.
All fear to control sheep and grab power