Seems like an arbitrary date until you realize how many summer business and lodges depend on the 4th of July extended weekend to keep their businesses open. Can any coronabro here tell me how this isn’t a deliberate fucking over of the economy at this point? What’s the endgame? Cousin Myrtle from Nana’s side gets another two months of soap operas and Bingo isn’t believable anymore as a reason.
Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago takes the lead in the most fascist Democrat politician horse race. Inslee, Newsom, and Brown need to up their rookie numbers.
Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago takes the lead in the most fascist Democrat politician horse race. Inslee, Newsom, and Brown need to up their rookie numbers.
Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago takes the lead in the most fascist Democrat politician horse race. Inslee, Newsom, and Brown need to up their rookie numbers.
She should be dragged through the streets behind a horse
Private ownership of horses is banned in Chicago. Just like guns. And there are zero guns in Chicago because they are banned. Next idea, conservative smarty pants. You will be arrested.
July 6, 2020
*presented by Trump
Was this dipshit Tommy being sarcastic in this poast? If so, bravo! If not, what an absolute shithead.