Trump has saved between two and 3 million American lives during this pandemic and there is just no way to unlearn that fact
Then it’s over. Great!
Is the Flu over? One would think so.
That's what we now have. The dazzler is supposedly college educated with a law degree and an MBA yet is hiding in his basement until the chicom crud is eliminated from the planet. Not that I care about the dazzler's lack of manhood, but I do care that he isn't happy hiding alone in his basement, he wants all of us hiding in our basement. Sort of like his position on taxes. As a moral position the dazzler doesn't think he pays enough taxes. Rather than send in his "fair" share, he won't do so until he is forced under threat of arrest and jail and everyone else is forced to do so. Just a profile in courage dude.
Dazzler is like Gov Nitwits husband telling You to stay home so he doesn’t have to wait in line at the boat launch or at a restaurant while being rewarded with cheap airfares and hotel rates.
Umm, it's supposed to be over.
Wait till you see the New reporting methodologies.
All we need now is Kamala in the White House and about three months of Data. It’s over. You’ll see.