Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
Fucker is butt hurt over the 2% budget cut so rather than cutting shit no one sees or cares about, he cuts highly visible things that have an impact on the public. Cuts the Blue Angles, Natonal Park access, White House visits, air traffic control at small airports, etc. But there is plenty of money to give to the Palestinian Authority, a partnership with Mexico to raise awareness about US food stamp program, Golfing with tiger woods... Wtf? Fuck that guy.
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He knows Americans are stupid and he's taking full advantage. Honestly, we've been begging for someone to plunger rape us like this for years, he's just the first one with the balls to do it with a smile on his face.
Dig a little deeper. Ask yourself why Obama is doing these things. Last I checked, he is only in his fifth year as president. He still has three years to improve. Normally, presidents will get better as they get older. Not all, but most.
The White House was a mess when Obama took over. It was in major need of a facelift. The renovation is almost complete. The morale of the house was terrible. Congress was embarrassed to be a part of the US Government. One congressman even told me that Bush had sucked the joy of being a politician out of him.
The past is the past. This year already feels different.