what person anywhere cares about someone other than themselves first?
You need to take care of number one before you can take care of anyone else. Simple maff really...
Oh wait - I forgot about Schumer and Pelosi
He’s the president and a billionaire *allegedly*
If he didn’t want to be responsible for others, he should have picked a better job.
Tommy, Tommy , Tommy.
What should have Trump did differently to minimize the infections and death from the Wuflu?
He's caught in a Catch-22 with no way to win. I don't criticize any of his decisions, but when he makes them he should own them and not act like a petulant child. Be a man.
Fox is no longer loyal enough. He needs the constant ball washing that OAN provides his fragile ass ego.
Once again Freeme, it's not that simple. Trump, like Ty Cobb, is complicated.
He does have a massive ego that yearns for adulation. But he also has been treated so unfairly by the media that it's disgusting. Fox has largely turned into a political TMZ kind of thing. From what I've seen, they pontificate as much as they report the news. I don't like that.
But when reporters from anywhere ask him a thoughtful, hard-hitting question he gives them credit for it and puts effort into the answer.
Sure you want to go with that comparison Stalin?
Cobb wasn't complicated. Great baseball player (for his era); overall shitty human being.
Fox is no longer loyal enough. He needs the constant ball washing that OAN provides his fragile ass ego.
Once again Freeme, it's not that simple. Trump, like Ty Cobb, is complicated.
He does have a massive ego that yearns for adulation. But he also has been treated so unfairly by the media that it's disgusting. Fox has largely turned into a political TMZ kind of thing. From what I've seen, they pontificate as much as they report the news. I don't like that.
But when reporters from anywhere ask him a thoughtful, hard-hitting question he gives them credit for it and puts effort into the answer.
Sure you want to go with that comparison Stalin?
Cobb wasn't complicated. Great baseball player (for his era); overall shitty human being.
Seems pretty uncomplicated to me.
I think Stalin nailed it. The Donald is Ty Cobb. I will give him the fact that he is a pretty good economist (though not to the extent he thinks he is) but I think most would admit he's pretty much a narcissistic ass hole.
What should have Trump did differently to minimize the infections and death from the Wuflu?
But go ahead and name the spot. Make sure you are certified typhus-free though. The Throbber doesn't want any chance of catching that shit.
BTW, The Throbber is 6'5" and a former Army Ranger.
Shocked and amazed.
You may return to you regularly scheduled trigger poasting now.
The governors who fucked everyone over actually do CARE. A LOT.
Fucking children in this country, The president doesn't feel my pain waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Sounds like you’re having a hard time. Hang in there fella.
basically it's propaganda but so is Faux News, cnn, and PMSNBC
Cobb wasn't complicated. Great baseball player (for his era); overall shitty human being.
Seems pretty uncomplicated to me.
with Diamond & Silk
He may need to learn the difference.