Inslee’s General Counselor Kathryn Leathers wrote a letter to Franklin County commissioners Wednesday saying businesses that defy the governor’s order will be breaking the law and will be cited and fined.
And a local resolution will not protect them.
This is how revolutions start.
Can’t wait to see people start trying to vandalize government property in revolt. Best of luck with that.
Vandalize government property? That's not how people revolt though.
Probably true, largely because most people only talk about doing it which is all that will happen here.
I've been using my universal key for over a month. Been great to have locations so deserted and free of tourists. Clip clip clip mother fucker.
Sh*t, gas is now almost free and the food banks aren't always in walking difference. Gonna be tough to repo a few million cars. Wouldn't that be a real nice job. Heading out to rural eastern washington to repo a few thousand cars? Dream job.