2019 Letter Schiff Sent to Then-DNI Chief Dan Coats Reveals How He Secretly Hid Dozens of Transcripts in Obama’s Spygate Scandal
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/2019-letter-schiff-sent-dni-chief-dan-coats-reveals-secretly-hid-dozens-transcripts-obamas-spygate-scandal/“Award-winning journalist John Solomon obtained a 2019 letter House Intel Chairman Adam (D-CA) sent then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats revealing how he secretly hid dozens of transcripts in Obama’s Spygate scandal.”
“According to John Solomon, the transcripts contain exculpatory evidence for President Trump’s team and Schiff demanded they be kept from Trump and White House lawyers — even if the declassification process required the transcripts to be shared.
Via John Solomon:
Shortly after Schiff took over from Republican Rep. Devin Nunes as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) in 2019, he sent a letter to the office of then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.
The letter obtained by Just the News specifically ordered that the witness transcripts — some of which contained exculpatory evidence for President Trump’s team — not be shared with Trump or White House lawyers even if the declassification process required such sharing.
“Under no circumstances shall ODNI, or any other element of the Intelligence Community (IC), share any HPSCI transcripts with the White House, President Trump or any persons associated with the White House or the President,” Schiff wrote in a March 26, 2019 letter to then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.
“Such transcripts remain the sole property of HPSCI, and were transmitted to ODNI for the limited purpose of enabling a classification review by IC elements and the Department of Justice,” Schiff added.”
How Adam Schiff secretly thwarted efforts to bring transparency in Russia probe
Democrat demanded DNI keep evidence from Trump, holds transcripts that were supposed to be made public.
Schiff Letter to DNI Coates:
Corruption and lies define the rat party and the little people on the left support it. Anything for their rat cause.