Reading through the complaints is hilarious. Some are reporting on their employer while they are at work. I found a customer of mine in there. His employee was claiming that their business is non essential when in fact it is deemed essential. Unbelievable and entertaining at the same time.
Rat politicians encouraging their constituents to rat each other out. Many of the dumb-asses who ratted out their fellow citizens asked that their name and email be kept anonymous when it clearly says on the form that your name and contact information will be recorded. What a sad state of affairs.
COVID-19 snitches in St. Louis were in for a surprise
Rat politicians encouraging their constituents to rat each other out. Many of the dumb-asses who ratted out their fellow citizens asked that their name and email be kept anonymous when it clearly says on the form that your name and contact information will be recorded. What a sad state of affairs.