What's sad about that rant is I feel it still applies to the Sark era. Even Mitch turned into one of those people he is bitching about as he was always quick to defend Sark.
Seattle is growing exponentially more vaginized by the year. We are, and will continue to be, viewed as a bunch of soft, hipster, pussies.
The term "tree hugger" would be a fucking improvement, if we could go back to that, but we are WAY beyond that point,
If you live in Western WA, take a min to look around at the clueless, helpless bitches surrounding you. . . Then grab your latte, tighten your scarf, and jump in your Prius to get home in time for Glee.
Seattle is growing exponentially more vaginized by the year. We are, and will continue to be, viewed as a bunch of soft, hipster, pussies.
The term "tree hugger" would be a fucking improvement, if we could go back to that, but we are WAY beyond that point,
If you live in Western WA, take a min to look around at the clueless, helpless bitches surrounding you. . . Then grab your latte, tighten your scarf, and jump in your Prius to get home in time for Glee.
Some of us who demand excellence in husky football also demand more from our community and moved the fuck away from western wash
Seattle is growing exponentially more vaginized by the year. We are, and will continue to be, viewed as a bunch of soft, hipster, pussies.
The term "tree hugger" would be a fucking improvement, if we could go back to that, but we are WAY beyond that point,
If you live in Western WAKing County, take a min to look around at the clueless, helpless bitches surrounding you. . . Then grab your latte, tighten your scarf, and jump in your Prius to get home in time for Glee.
Fixed. Most of Western Washington kills trees, not hug them. We all know where the cancer is around here.
Funny how King County is the only reason this fucking state is in the black, but by all means keep hating. Enjoy your roads, hospitals, and schools, all paid for with King County tax dollars. Lol
Funny how King County is the only reason this fucking state is in the black, but by all means keep hating.
Yeah, the state is sure in dandy shape financially. Those enlightened people King County overwhelming votes in are sure excellent stewards of our money, resources, and trust.
If it weren't for the rest of the state being a check and balance on King County, that cash cow would have long been taxed and regulated out of town. No income tax = King County prosperity. Amazon.com would be in Austin or Nashville if Washington were to do something King County fucking stupid and add an income tax.
Funny how King County is the only reason this fucking state is in the black, but by all means keep hating. Enjoy your roads, hospitals, and schools, all paid for with King County tax dollars. Lol
Can you provide a link? I've always wondered if this oft repeated statement by any big city democrat has truly had merit.
Funny how King County is the only reason this fucking state is in the black, but by all means keep hating. Enjoy your roads, hospitals, and schools, all paid for with King County tax dollars. Lol
Can you provide a link? I've always wondered if this oft repeated statement by any big city democrat has truly had merit.
The term "tree hugger" would be a fucking improvement, if we could go back to that, but we are WAY beyond that point,
If you live in Western WA, take a min to look around at the clueless, helpless bitches surrounding you. . . Then grab your latte, tighten your scarf, and jump in your Prius to get home in time for Glee.
We all fuck up from time to time. @SteveSandmeyer has redefined fucking up.
Retweeted by Steve Sandmeyer
Sorry Harv, but that would be your Coogs
If it weren't for the rest of the state being a check and balance on King County, that cash cow would have long been taxed and regulated out of town. No income tax = King County prosperity. Amazon.com would be in Austin or Nashville if Washington were to do something King County fucking stupid and add an income tax.
Talking points are all you need.
"Six counties qualified as 'net donors' to the rest of the state--san juan, king, skagit, kittitas, whatcom, and snohomish"
I'm with Race on this--these arguments are boring and retarded--but it's disappointing to see this board turn into drudge.com/minorhuskytalk.