From Day I, Mueller knew there was no evidence that Trump had colluded with the Russians and that the hoax was bought and paid for by the PIPS campaign. Yet, the POS spent all that time and money attempting to frame Trump in a process crime. When finished, not one leftard apologized. They just proceeded to impeach Trump. Hope Barr indicts the whole crew.
This so fucking buried now. I'll believe there are consequences when I see them
It's like all of the bullshit we went through during the first 3 years of Trumps Presidency never happened. It's been flushed down the media memory hole. Pretty much everything we were saying about the Dossier, Steele, the Hillary campaign, and the abuse of the FISA court were 100% accurate.
Schiff's response to the Nunes memo was complete crap and it was intentionally written as disinformation. And of course the media ran with it unquestioningly.
Comey, Steele, Schiff, Brennan, Mueller, Wiseman were all bad actors. My fear, is that just like with Hillary's emails, they will all end up unscathed from this.
From Day I, Mueller knew there was no evidence that Trump had colluded with the Russians and that the hoax was bought and paid for by the PIPS campaign. Yet, the POS spent all that time and money attempting to frame Trump in a process crime. When finished, not one leftard apologized. They just proceeded to impeach Trump. Hope Barr indicts the whole crew.
Yeah, they dropped the whole Russian collusion bullshit early on and then tried to get him on an obstruction of justice charge.
Yeah, remember asking the counselor what crime Trump committed? Neither he or the House dems had an answer. Just "abuse of power".
I remember that fucking asswhole calling Race and I traitors simply for asking for evidence in support of the charge that Trump had colluded with Russia.
From Day I, Mueller knew there was no evidence that Trump had colluded with the Russians and that the hoax was bought and paid for by the PIPS campaign. Yet, the POS spent all that time and money attempting to frame Trump in a process crime. When finished, not one leftard apologized. They just proceeded to impeach Trump. Hope Barr indicts the whole crew.
Yeah. He can't be that phu*cking stupid, but he can be that phu*cking dishonest and rooting for the away team that actually was colluding with the Russians - because that's the way true patriots roll.
Schiff's response to the Nunes memo was complete crap and it was intentionally written as disinformation. And of course the media ran with it unquestioningly.
Comey, Steele, Schiff, Brennan, Mueller, Wiseman were all bad actors. My fear, is that just like with Hillary's emails, they will all end up unscathed from this.
Fucking treason!
They will all write memoirs of why they did it as soon as the dems take control again. All will be millionaires if they aren't already