"To be declared unclean because of China virus meant that the unfortunate person had to tear his clothes and put a covering upon his upper lip and cry, "unclean, unclean." As the Jews were concerned that the condition was contagious, such individuals were to live separated outside the camp."
If they didn't run up the score with pneumonia deaths, heart attacks and machete killings, then we really wouldn't need to know exactly how many people are infected.
That's like caring about throwing for 500 yards in a losing effort. The score will always be hospitalizations and deaths. But now they've fucked that up as a way for the hospitals, that are losing their ass, to money grab.
That's like caring about throwing for 500 yards in a losing effort. The score will always be hospitalizations and deaths. But now they've fucked that up as a way for the hospitals, that are losing their ass, to money grab.