The pill didn’t help patients clear the virus better than standard care and was much more likely to cause side effects, according to a study of 150 hospitalized patients by doctors at 16 centers in China. The research, which hasn’t been peer-reviewed, was released Tuesday.
The pill didn’t help patients clear the virus better than standard care and was much more likely to cause side effects, according to a study of 150 hospitalized patients by doctors at 16 centers in China. The research, which hasn’t been peer-reviewed, was released Tuesday.
What a moron Huds.........Non peer reviewed BS from CHINA! OMG it has the ring of truth. Even posting this crap is laughable let alone putting any credence in it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Jeezus HH. Way to goose step to the lowest of the low. You literally are part of the TDS crowd that is threatening lives.
I never thought you would you would be this mentally infected. FFS man, the cocktail has saved lives here in the US. Are you that jaded that you don't care?
Neither does @insinceredawg @GDS or hardly any of the corona bros for that matter.
You'd think with all this time on their hands, they may actually try it for once.
And some Bush Red every once in a while.
I never thought you would you would be this mentally infected. FFS man, the cocktail has saved lives here in the US. Are you that jaded that you don't care?
Careful, you might get disowned by and thrown out of the CoronaBros club. You worked hard to get in. Don’t mess it up