1984 was a good year. Many drunken nights attempting to separate sorority girls from their panties. On a personal level, would actually make the top 2 or 3 years of the throbber's lifetime.
Praise be to WHAM for Careless Whisper....go-to panty dropping slow dance tune of that era.
Love and Electric are both good albums. I saw the Cult twice - once they were opening for Metallica in 1989, and then I saw them when they did the Electric 13 tour. They put on a great live show. Having Metallica come on after you is a good way to look like a half-assed shit band, but they held their own as I recall.
Love and Electric are both good albums. I saw the Cult twice - once they were opening for Metallica in 1989, and then I saw them when they did the Electric 13 tour. They put on a great live show. Having Metallica come on after you is a good way to look like a half-assed shit band, but they held their own as I recall.
My buddy and I saw the Cult in the Arena early in the show Ian tossed his tambourine into the crowd. My buddy got his mitts on it, as did three or four others.
A tug of war scrum began. Instead of helping win the instrument, I kept the second band of would be tuffs off my friend, who gave me shit later for not knocking the initial wave off the tambourine. CSB
Praise be to WHAM for Careless Whisper....go-to panty dropping slow dance tune of that era.
Sometimes it was even someone else's panties.
That tops anything that happened in 1984.
The Phoenix was the best song live from The Love Tour.
Here is a little something from Ian’s earlier days in SDC:
But only Yella and I would care about that.
Freddy Cannon and The Throbber say "suck it" to the jazz superiority guys
A tug of war scrum began. Instead of helping win the instrument, I kept the second band of would be tuffs off my friend, who gave me shit later for not knocking the initial wave off the tambourine. CSB