I have no problem with it. I would have no problem with government stopping ammo and gun exportation in war. Food exports if we were in a famine. Drug exports if there was a shortage here in the USA and lives were at stake. The export of fossil fuels if we were in a shortage. I can think of other similar situations that I would use the Fed for the smart use of our state side manufacturing.
This is a pandemic folks. A big one with shortages. Shortages you rats are blaming on Trump in your efforts to politicize said pandemic and hurt Trumps chances at re election.
This is a pandemic folks. A big one with shortages. Shortages you rats are blaming on Trump in your efforts to politicize said pandemic and hurt Trumps chances at re election.
Now rats are trying to use the word liberty to complain that Trump is doing too much to stop the virus. Its priceless.
Any other excuses for Daddy's largely flat footed response?
I'm sure you'd find a taker in @insinceredawg though. Not sure He'd have the going rate of $5 though.
China did this Shit to level the playing field because they started sucking wind. Act of war.
You are easily in the top 3 dumbest motherfuckers here. This post may have just moved you into the lead.
What a fucking goat.