The acting SecNav should have kept his mouth shut, but politicians are going to politician. The Captain deserved to be relieved. He reported, publicly, that his ship was unable to carry out his mission. That’s TS level information.
The actual leadership in the Navy disagreed with you.
And? Senior leaders of all armed forces are politicians to some degree. Sounds like they’re reading the winds and are adjusting accordingly.
Scored the highest in the company in marksmanship and earned the commander's award for leadership.
Real Americans care about the people in the military, as did the captain of that ship.
Trump leg humpers don't give a shit.
Our commander in chief was a draft dodger, and his shrivel dick appointee as the Navy Secretary bungled this... which is why he just resigned.
Sounds like someone who might shoot up a highly populated target. I thought your ignorance stemmed from being young but you're in your 50's so there's no hope for you.
A Trump leg-humper thinking I'm stupid? That's like Trump thinking the coronavirus will go away like magic before we even have 10 deaths in the nation...
A Trump leg-humper thinking I'm stupid? That's like Trump thinking the coronavirus will go away like magic before we even have 10 deaths in the nation...