The best UW sports message boards on the internet. The community at is the most vibrant and diverse in the Husky universe. There are people who have connections to boosters/administrators at other schools who share their thoughts on our board. People like AANDY bring a historical perspective to the board that younger fans clamor for on a daily basis. Every week, people share stories of old Huskies they watched or knew and why they are important in the program's history. Some of AANDY's stories from people who were influential in the formation of the Pacific Coast Conference, the precursor to the Pac 8 which eventually became the Pac 10 and then the Pac 12 and some of the backstory on conference realignment are both mind-boggling and understandable at the same time. Other posters have connections within the program and share their thoughts on players and coaches and some even get injury information that is posted on the board if/when they can share things. Like an iceberg, the front page and free content on is only about 20 percent of the value of the site. Eighty percent of the reason to be a subscriber is what happens on the message boards within the community and why you should sign up immediately.