That more was on the way.
The God of Israel sent locusts, frogs & other plagues to shame the gods of Ancient
Egypt - Amon-Ra, Isis, Osiris, Set... The Western Illuminati worship them & want to
bring them back, along with the Babylonian gods Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ishtar...

Replicas of the Arch of Baal have been erected in NYC, Washington DC and London.
These are the demons many of the leaders in politics, media & the culture follow.
It's why you see so many celebrities flashing the Eye of Horus symbol. They are the
henchmen of the Illuminati, & have been conditioning you for the roll-out of the

The rise of the New World Order has been foretold in prophesy. The Illuminati leave
clues behind in the popular culture to telegraph their moves. Take off your blinders
and look into the Abyss: Medicine & Big Pharma are losing the battle of the Kung Flu. While Europe &
America are on the verge of collapse, the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal only has 2
known virus cases.
"If you want to understand the Nature of the Universe, think in terms of Energy,
Frequency & Vibration." - Nicola Tesla.

The Lamas and Brahmin in Nepal & Tibet have understood this for centuries. As a
result, the practice of Sonic Healing is part of everyday life in that region. They have
mastered the power of sound, & leverage it against outbreaks of disease to achieve
a form of 'regional immunity.' It's time to look East for solutions, as well as to the
theories & inventions of Nicola Tesla and Raymond Rife.
#432HzWhen the Virus mysteriously vanishes in April or May, it will all seem like waking up
from a bad dream, & things will return to normal for a short period of time before the
next Illuminati Hex is revealed.

You are advised to repent of your sins while there is still time. Take up your cross and
follow Jesus today.
Don’t be scared Pod. You have a lot to look foreward to this year.
Now get yer POD Preston to come as well and we
Will have some fun.
Also, welcum back @oregonblitzkrieg
Give me a few days to limber up before I have to run you again.