RATs and their ideologies are responsible for the death and murder of hundreds of millions of people. Nothing about this man's wreckless action should surprise anyone. This has NOTHING to do with protecting anyone. This has EVERYTHING to do with getting the bad orange man. Hopefully Nevada gets smart and ousts this fat fucker.
Real journalism >>> agenda-driven bullshit for mushbrain magatards
There is a paywall. I guess this article is about Doctors buying Coronavirus drugs. If so this is of course not what th main article was about. If that is what you are posting you are a moron. This is about the Governor of Nevada making it a crime for doctors to USE the malaria drug on their patients. That you don’t see the difference AND aren’t troubled by this Democrat governor’s action says that you are an ignorant moron that doesn’t mind a little Stalinist action as long as your team is in command.
Nevada’s governor on Tuesday banned the USE of anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.
Yes but they have to keep those weed dispensaries open!
Rats are so fucked up.
Reaching across the aisle in a bi-partisan effort, @ThomasFremont and the Throbber stand in solidarity in keeping the supply chain of booze and weed flowing freely during this time of physical, emotional and financial crisis.
There is nothing more essential than weed and booze. Nothing. Maybe oxygen. And joobs.
Yes but they have to keep those weed dispensaries open!
Rats are so fucked up.
Reaching across the aisle in a bi-partisan effort, @ThomasFremont and the Throbber stand in solidarity in keeping the supply chain of booze and weed flowing freely during this time of physical, emotional and financial crisis.
There is nothing more essential than weed and booze. Nothing. Maybe oxygen. And joobs.
This. No way can you lock down the people AND the vices.
The Denver mayor made even the liquor stores non-essential before smartly reversing course hours later. It was probably the difference between bitter compliance and complete revolt.
Yes but they have to keep those weed dispensaries open!
Rats are so fucked up.
Reaching across the aisle in a bi-partisan effort, @ThomasFremont and the Throbber stand in solidarity in keeping the supply chain of booze and weed flowing freely during this time of physical, emotional and financial crisis.
There is nothing more essential than weed and booze. Nothing. Maybe oxygen. And joobs.
This. No way can you lock down the people AND the vices.
The Denver mayor made even the liquor stores non-essential before smartly reversing course hours later. It was probably the difference between bitter compliance and complete revolt.
Yes but they have to keep those weed dispensaries open!
Rats are so fucked up.
Shut your crying bitch ass, up, pussy. Or die. Whichever.
Not a chance millennial. If I hurt your FEELINGS, go ahead and retreat to your safe space.
I'm not a millennial, you stupid bitch ass pussy faggot. You couldn't hurt my feeling or anything else - unless the plan was to drown me in your crybaby tears. My safe space is the 7-11, bitch.
Yes but they have to keep those weed dispensaries open!
Rats are so fucked up.
Shut your crying bitch ass, up, pussy. Or die. Whichever.
Not a chance millennial. If I hurt your FEELINGS, go ahead and retreat to your safe space.
I'm not a millennial, you stupid bitch ass pussy faggot. You couldn't hurt my feeling or anything else - unless the plan was to drown me in your crybaby tears. My safe space is the 7-11, bitch.
Yes but they have to keep those weed dispensaries open!
Rats are so fucked up.
Shut your crying bitch ass, up, pussy. Or die. Whichever.
Not a chance millennial. If I hurt your FEELINGS, go ahead and retreat to your safe space.
I'm not a millennial, you stupid bitch ass pussy faggot. You couldn't hurt my feeling or anything else - unless the plan was to drown me in your crybaby tears. My safe space is the 7-11, bitch.
would you two get a hotel room already
No. Dude can't afford a donation to HH, what makes you think I wouldn't have to pay for the whole room myself?
Yes but they have to keep those weed dispensaries open!
Rats are so fucked up.
Shut your crying bitch ass, up, pussy. Or die. Whichever.
Not a chance millennial. If I hurt your FEELINGS, go ahead and retreat to your safe space.
I'm not a millennial, you stupid bitch ass pussy faggot. You couldn't hurt my feeling or anything else - unless the plan was to drown me in your crybaby tears. My safe space is the 7-11, bitch.
Ooo a keyboard tough guy who likes to drink his 32 oz'er on the curb of the 7-11. Go take another "outta-bed" bong hit and fuck off you stoned out pussy.
Physicians are the ones who administer drugs as they see fit, not politicians.
Real journalism >>> agenda-driven bullshit for mushbrain magatards
Nevada’s governor on Tuesday banned the USE of anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.
Stalinist Los Angeles Mayor Shutting Off Water and Power For ‘Non-Essential’ Businesses That Haven’t Closed
Rats are so fucked up.
There is nothing more essential than weed and booze. Nothing. Maybe oxygen. And joobs.
The Denver mayor made even the liquor stores non-essential before smartly reversing course hours later. It was probably the difference between bitter compliance and complete revolt.
You don't fuck with people's access to booze. You just don't do that.