BSPN/gAyBC broadcast 90% of the bowels (and about 70% of the regular games) and all the 1/1 bowls. If that's not a monopoly, what is? End the monopoly and all this nonsense ends.
I'm with Da Moan on this one...don't like it? Don't watch
hmm, nah. I'm with Derek on this one.
while I shy away from strict "traditionalists" - that is, the people who insist that 7-6 Michigan is relevant "just because" - the people who apply an almost religious zeal to keeping things the same (these were the same people who sneered at my Hurricanes during their run, all the while assuring me and everyone else that they were a flash in the pan), there is something to be said about the human element of picking bowls. it shouldn't be everything, but a little bias can be a good thing if combined with some objective criteria. by bias, I mean reference to that subjective opinion most of us share: that if you play in a shit conference and play maybe one big game a year (maybe even one), then you should take your shit 11-0, 10-1 record and play in late December with it.
the other thing I miss is January 1st. All the marbles THAT day. Make the title game at night, even if the Rose Bowl happens to host it. back when the Orange, Sugar or Fiesta tended to have that game because of an open end invitation / high ranking conference champ. combo.
THAT is the college bowl season I miss.
that said, I have zero complaints about this year's matchup. I think we have the consensus #1 team against the team that knocked off the other juggernaut. There's really nothing to complain about.
That old ABC clip on youtube had me run into this clip. Damn I miss Pasadena in January!
Never gets old. Empterman is such a beast. I focused on him every play and he was destroying double teams.
Doogs can be excited about our skill guys who to be honest compare to the 1991 team. Until we have a DL or OL like that we aren't serious about winning a conference title IMO.
Now they allow fucktarded teams to play on New Years day? As Mike Leach would say Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that! Fuck that!
I love this intro, UW lived on ABC back then and this intro still gives me chills to this day. I miss that so much!
while I shy away from strict "traditionalists" - that is, the people who insist that 7-6 Michigan is relevant "just because" - the people who apply an almost religious zeal to keeping things the same (these were the same people who sneered at my Hurricanes during their run, all the while assuring me and everyone else that they were a flash in the pan), there is something to be said about the human element of picking bowls. it shouldn't be everything, but a little bias can be a good thing if combined with some objective criteria. by bias, I mean reference to that subjective opinion most of us share: that if you play in a shit conference and play maybe one big game a year (maybe even one), then you should take your shit 11-0, 10-1 record and play in late December with it.
the other thing I miss is January 1st. All the marbles THAT day. Make the title game at night, even if the Rose Bowl happens to host it. back when the Orange, Sugar or Fiesta tended to have that game because of an open end invitation / high ranking conference champ. combo.
THAT is the college bowl season I miss.
that said, I have zero complaints about this year's matchup. I think we have the consensus #1 team against the team that knocked off the other juggernaut. There's really nothing to complain about.
but yeah: North Texas, UNLV on 1/1. No thanks.
This shitty game that will draw in 10k viewers does not diminish the importance of the other New Years bowl games, nor does it cheapen CFB.
That old ABC clip on youtube had me run into this clip. Damn I miss Pasadena in January!
"This is what the University of Wawrshington brings into the ball game and that is SPEED!"