Yeah, just like barry kept into action. Trump stopped China travel early. Biden and no dem wouldn't have. When open borders is one of your main campaign themes, tough to attack Trump.The lack of testing is to be heavily criticized. That is 100% on the so-called experts at the CDC. If you think Biden's CDC would be better you are just a hack. Or PIPS. This is just as much Barry's CDC as Trump's.
Yeah, just like barry kept into action. Trump stopped China travel early. Biden and no dem wouldn't have. When open borders is one of your main campaign themes, tough to attack Trump.The lack of testing is to be heavily criticized. That is 100% on the so-called experts at the CDC. If you think Biden's CDC would be better you are just a hack. Or PIPS. This is just as much Barry's CDC as Trump's.
CDC really fucked the testing. It's the primary reason why we're all now doing our hermit impression. Even with this extra three weeks of prep time they still aren't going to get the testing issue resolved, if it happens it's going to come from private sector facilities not the CDC
Yeah, just like barry kept into action. Trump stopped China travel early. Biden and no dem wouldn't have. When open borders is one of your main campaign themes, tough to attack Trump.The lack of testing is to be heavily criticized. That is 100% on the so-called experts at the CDC. If you think Biden's CDC would be better you are just a hack. Or PIPS. This is just as much Barry's CDC as Trump's.
CDC really fucked the testing. It's the primary reason why we're all now doing our hermit impression. Even with this extra three weeks of prep time they still aren't going to get the testing issue resolved, if it happens it's going to come from private sector facilities not the CDC
People thinking Trump doing a good job haven't followed this very closely.
51% bump in cases today. Only going to climb.
He wasted time. Down played it for too long. He had information we didn't.
He does get credit for doing the PSA on healthy habits. Honestly, that was awesome. Much needed.
Name another prez that reacted faster.
Sure wasn't Obunghole. He never acted.
That's where Trump is going to fucking destroy Biden in the debates. His ONLY job is to keep the deaths below 12,469. Then he is the H1N1/COVID-19 Mack Daddy. That's the ONLY number he cares about, approval ratings whatever.
Trump beats the spread on H1N1 and he will bludgeon Biden with it over and over again. It will be trumpeted like storming the beaches at Normandy.
Stumbling Joe won't be able to respond. He probably doesn't even remember H1N1.
Yeah, just like barry kept into action. Trump stopped China travel early. Biden and no dem wouldn't have. When open borders is one of your main campaign themes, tough to attack Trump.The lack of testing is to be heavily criticized. That is 100% on the so-called experts at the CDC. If you think Biden's CDC would be better you are just a hack. Or PIPS. This is just as much Barry's CDC as Trump's.
CDC really fucked the testing. It's the primary reason why we're all now doing our hermit impression. Even with this extra three weeks of prep time they still aren't going to get the testing issue resolved, if it happens it's going to come from private sector facilities not the CDC
Blaming the assistant coach POTD
Are you really this stupid? How do you not understand the deep state is made up of lifetime government employees who become multi-millionaires through their pensions? They have a vested interest in keeping people like you down and dumb. These people have made up organizations like the CDC for decades. Their incompetence is proven over and over again yet morons like you continue to beg for more
Trump beats the spread on H1N1 and he will bludgeon Biden with it over and over again. It will be trumpeted like storming the beaches at Normandy.
Stumbling Joe won't be able to respond. He probably doesn't even remember H1N1.
The only tip I would take from Spicoli is on how to bang hot chicks by espousing leftist shit. He's pretty good at that.