This response seems a little different. Can't be all hysteria? Right?
I don’t recall local hospitals asking people to start hand sewing masks to donate in 2009. They must be in on the fix too to get Trump.
This all may well be way overblown. But gotta love all the PhDs in medicine we have here in the Tug.
Distilleries are making hand sanitizer for free, Tesla said they can make ventilators. Jack Ma sent a million masks and 500,000 test kits. Quite the roose to oust Trump.
The UK is fucked. Boris was telling people it was okay to gather. That's changed rapidly.
Lotta guys here were popping off when it was 79-2 in favor of flu. LIPO.
It's going to crack 0.00000013% of the population of the state any minute. Shut everything down.
But imagine if one of those 75 people was your grandma !
I’m not making predictions because I didn’t go to medical school and I don’t know shit about infectious disease. But I was surprised to see corona gaining on flu so quickly in WA. I was told here flu is worse by Tug experts.
I don't know if you were told it's worse. You were told the panic is bullshit.
And I’m waiting to see if the panic was justified or not. I make it a point in life to stay within my lane when it comes to knowledge n’ stuff.
I know everything. I've seen this movie before
Not only does history repeat itself but now (due to a 24/7 pravda cycle) it is required to do it in a way which is bigger and more responsive than before.
This response seems a little different. Can't be all hysteria? Right?
I don’t recall local hospitals asking people to start hand sewing masks to donate in 2009. They must be in on the fix too to get Trump.
This all may well be way overblown. But gotta love all the PhDs in medicine we have here in the Tug.
Distilleries are making hand sanitizer for free, Tesla said they can make ventilators. Jack Ma sent a million masks and 500,000 test kits. Quite the roose to oust Trump.
The UK is fucked. Boris was telling people it was okay to gather. That's changed rapidly.
This better not fuck up the supply chain on vodka.
This place loves to get distracted by the wrong shit.
The entire panic is due to hospital capacity, not raw number of deaths, though that could also justify the panic if it gets bad enough. 80,000 dead because the seasonal flu came and went can be stomached. 80,000 dead because we flooded the hospitals all at once and nurses are trying to revive patients who couldn't get a ventilator in a converted gymnasium hospital room is some third world bullshit.
This all may well be way overblown. But gotta love all the PhDs in medicine we have here in the Tug.
Let's see NYC in seven days.
The UK is fucked. Boris was telling people it was okay to gather. That's changed rapidly.
The entire panic is due to hospital capacity, not raw number of deaths, though that could also justify the panic if it gets bad enough. 80,000 dead because the seasonal flu came and went can be stomached. 80,000 dead because we flooded the hospitals all at once and nurses are trying to revive patients who couldn't get a ventilator in a converted gymnasium hospital room is some third world bullshit.
Preventing that is the entire ballgame.
There seem to be reports coming in from various large cities of the hospitals getting slammed hard. LA and NYC for example.