This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
I was watching highlights of Cuomo and Gavin whateverhisnameis praising Trump and the Feds the other day and then watched the excerpts from MSNBC/CNN/another news outlet talking about how Trump and the Feds are hated by the governors. All going on at the same tim
I don't care about getting virus or social distancing or people dying. I care about the economic impact of this. It's simply hysteria and nothing else. I know don't a single person in my circle impacted by it.
I have learned some new things about longtime friends and their held opinions.
Interesting how people react to shit like this.
Don't be an emotional dipshit.
How did you feel about H1N1?
It was a little scary, but however it was handled was better than this.
Sure. You just answered your own question.
There wasn’t a concerned fear mongering effort by the media and the left
How many died from H1N1 again in the US? Was it 12,468 or 12,469? Help me out here. I want to be precise
I don't know, but doesn't matter now that I'm over my TDS.
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
The media are the refs.
Why is every country doing the same, if not more, as the US? The US media didn't pressure Italy or France to shut down.
I think it is possible to care for others suffering and dying AND not want the economy to totally crash. I think also think it's possible to choose to "social distance" for the benefit of others.
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
The media are the refs.
Why is every country doing the same, if not more, as the US? The US media didn't pressure Italy or France to shut down.
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
The media are the refs.
Why is every country doing the same, if not more, as the US? The US media didn't pressure Italy or France to shut down.
People with immune problems and those over 65 or whatever the magic number is can quarantine if they want. Or any hypochondriacs. Stop making the rest of us suffer you dumb cunts. These Karens drive a lot of the hysteria. The media knows they'll watch and click and spend.
Maybe San Fransicko, Seattle, NYC, and a few other urban areas can take some precautions. Noone else needs to suffer. This is mind numbingly stupid.
I read somewhere that 80% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. If your hours are cut, or you're out of work because of this, you need to be compensated.
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
This all wouldn't have happened 10 years driving this. I'm not going to go as far as saying they are driving this to hurt the president. I won't give them that much credit. They have a huge hand in what is happening here.
We're at war. There are 2 fronts. Defeating the virus and Protecting the economy. People are going to die no matter what we do. Efforts are now focused on economy. Even Inslee focused on the economy exclusively in his press conference today. A pivot is happening. This is a good thing, but frankly all of this didn't need to happen.
It may have not been planned, but the media is on it like a dog on a bone with this and trump. It's the 4th quarter down by 6, 1 minute left, Trump with the ball 3rd and inches for a first down on his own 20. Refs call an unsportsmanlike penalty on the a fan. 15 yards. Game just took a turn
I read somewhere that 80% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. If your hours are cut, or you're out of work because of this, you need to be compensated.
The media are the refs.
False. Do a bit of reading and get back to us.
Please add "Food Insecurity" to the mass grave as well.
Maybe San Fransicko, Seattle, NYC, and a few other urban areas can take some precautions. Noone else needs to suffer. This is mind numbingly stupid.