Amazing how the Corona virus calls for the enactment of every single policy the left has been pushing. Medicare for all, comprehensive immigration reform, increasing taxes on the 1%, getting rid of the Trump tax cuts. All of these are prescriptions on how to address the virus.
They are arguing over who can give away the most goodies to the voters. It's great evidence why we can never do anything about the deficit driven by entitlements.
However Bernie gets Biden to lie about his record on Social Security on National Television. If the fact checkers are Hionest Biden will look like the lying POS he always has been.
Trump needs to counter by saying paychecks will be matched and paid directly to individuals. Skip the middle men of banks/businesses. Just deposits straight to bank accounts. They already know what people made last year via W-2s. Just make a direct deposit or mail a check to workers. Fuck the banksters and special interest groups. Trump is a man of the people.
Probably more logistics than that to make it work - but money all of a sudden showing up in one's bank account is a powerful drug.
It's a shame that Biden has to squirm and lie about his attempts to reign back entitlements, no matter how fiscally responsible they were. Nobody wants to touch this shit.
It's a shame that Biden has to squirm and lie about his attempts to reign back entitlements, no matter how fiscally responsible they were. Nobody wants to touch this shit.
It's just like Bloomberg apologizing for stop and frisk.
It's a shame that Biden has to squirm and lie about his attempts to reign back entitlements, no matter how fiscally responsible they were. Nobody wants to touch this shit.
It's just like Bloomberg apologizing for stop and frisk. talking dirty to female employees
Biden just said that no illegal will be deported unless they have committed a felony here in America. Get across the border and it's ollie, ollie all come free.
Biden promised to nominate the first black woman to SCOTUS. I hope he has someone specific in mind and didn't just blurt out one of his answers for progressive bingo.
Joe knows people who have family members in nursing homes that I guess don't have telephones. Says they need to do sign language with their elderly parent as they look out the window in order to communicate with them.
Joe knows people who have family members in nursing homes that I guess don't have telephones. Says they need to do sign language with their elderly parent as they look out the window in order to communicate with them.
CNN panel just agreed that this story was compelling and touching and something that many voters will relate to. There are nursing homes in America where there are no telephones or cell phones. The only way to communicate with you elderly parents is by sign language through a window because of the Corona virus.
And Biden doesn’t look super strong
Probably more logistics than that to make it work - but money all of a sudden showing up in one's bank account is a powerful drug.
700 Billion is a buttload of money.