“In research results released Tuesday, Gerba found that 71% of gas pump handles and 68% of corner mailbox handles are “highly contaminated” with the kinds of germs most associated with a high risk of illness.”
DJ sounds like a whiny fuckin' SJW Democrat in this thread. Clean your fuckin' hands after you handle the pump, old man, and quit your sniveling.
Why when only morons like you need to. I just stay in the car and often get my windshield clean while you are washing your hands moron. I’ll bet if most of you honest don’t wash your hands after pumping gas...............that is until today, your welcome.
Oh - so you just started the thread to cry like a little bitch?
If you’re getting gasoline all over your hands when you pump gas, you’re doing it wrong.
Also, do you just not pay for your gas or are you still handing him your card which he will touch and hand back?
Gas nozzles without any gas spilled on them by others. Those are amazing places you have been going to. Credit cards? Wow what a danger. Can’t clean them. I use cash and wash my hands. It sounds like you just enjoy pumping your own gas. Hey If you like getting out in the rain and cold to pump your own gas. Have at it. Like I said to each his own. If you are arguing that pumping your own gas doesn’t expose you more than not you are a moron.
“In research results released Tuesday, Gerba found that 71% of gas pump handles and 68% of corner mailbox handles are “highly contaminated” with the kinds of germs most associated with a high risk of illness.”
“In research results released Tuesday, Gerba found that 71% of gas pump handles and 68% of corner mailbox handles are “highly contaminated” with the kinds of germs most associated with a high risk of illness.”
“In research results released Tuesday, Gerba found that 71% of gas pump handles and 68% of corner mailbox handles are “highly contaminated” with the kinds of germs most associated with a high risk of illness.”
If you’re getting gasoline all over your hands when you pump gas, you’re doing it wrong.
Also, do you just not pay for your gas or are you still handing him your card which he will touch and hand back?
Gas nozzles without any gas spilled on them by others. Those are amazing places you have been going to. Credit cards? Wow what a danger. Can’t clean them. I use cash and wash my hands. It sounds like you just enjoy pumping your own gas. Hey If you like getting out in the rain and cold to pump your own gas. Have at it. Like I said to each his own. If you are arguing that pumping your own gas doesn’t expose you more than not you are a moron.
No card is fair. But when you get cash from the bank, are they brand new and have never been touched before, or do you just take time to sanitize each individual bill right then and there. Same question for any change you received from any other purchases that you may then use to pay for gas and hand the attendant.
“In research results released Tuesday, Gerba found that 71% of gas pump handles and 68% of corner mailbox handles are “highly contaminated” with the kinds of germs most associated with a high risk of illness.”
“In research results released Tuesday, Gerba found that 71% of gas pump handles and 68% of corner mailbox handles are “highly contaminated” with the kinds of germs most associated with a high risk of illness.”
If you’re getting gasoline all over your hands when you pump gas, you’re doing it wrong.
Also, do you just not pay for your gas or are you still handing him your card which he will touch and hand back?
Gas nozzles without any gas spilled on them by others. Those are amazing places you have been going to. Credit cards? Wow what a danger. Can’t clean them. I use cash and wash my hands. It sounds like you just enjoy pumping your own gas. Hey If you like getting out in the rain and cold to pump your own gas. Have at it. Like I said to each his own. If you are arguing that pumping your own gas doesn’t expose you more than not you are a moron.
No card is fair. But when you get cash from the bank, are they brand new and have never been touched before, or do you just take time to sanitize each individual bill right then and there. Same question for any change you received from any other purchases that you may then use to pay for gas and hand the attendant.
I’ll take my answers off the air.
Just a bunch of more obfuscation and silly nonsense.
In the study I cited which most of you seem to have ignored
-gas nozzles were the worst thing for transferring disease -Cash was not even mentioned -When I had my own business I was paid in cash, I learned to wash my hands
DJ sounds like a whiny fuckin' SJW Democrat in this thread. Clean your fuckin' hands after you handle the pump, old man, and quit your sniveling.
Why when only morons like you need to. I just stay in the car and often get my windshield clean while you are washing your hands moron. I’ll bet if most of you honest don’t wash your hands after pumping gas...............that is until today, your welcome.
Oh - so you just started the thread to cry like a little bitch?
Good to know.
Fuck off.
No, since you are incapable with your limited faculties of following a thread I AM RESPONDING to others here that are crying like a little bitch, bitch.
If you’re getting gasoline all over your hands when you pump gas, you’re doing it wrong.
Also, do you just not pay for your gas or are you still handing him your card which he will touch and hand back?
Gas nozzles without any gas spilled on them by others. Those are amazing places you have been going to. Credit cards? Wow what a danger. Can’t clean them. I use cash and wash my hands. It sounds like you just enjoy pumping your own gas. Hey If you like getting out in the rain and cold to pump your own gas. Have at it. Like I said to each his own. If you are arguing that pumping your own gas doesn’t expose you more than not you are a moron.
Oh those brutal Portland Winters!!!
What a wimp. Jesus.
So I’m a wimp for liking to have gas attendants. Wow I figured you for a little more sense. Your about as tolerant as a Democrat.
I don’t seem to care what you and your ilk here choose but you have to denigrate someone you don’t know with perjoratives because they don’t agree with you. I had you pegged completely wrong.
If you’re getting gasoline all over your hands when you pump gas, you’re doing it wrong.
Also, do you just not pay for your gas or are you still handing him your card which he will touch and hand back?
Gas nozzles without any gas spilled on them by others. Those are amazing places you have been going to. Credit cards? Wow what a danger. Can’t clean them. I use cash and wash my hands. It sounds like you just enjoy pumping your own gas. Hey If you like getting out in the rain and cold to pump your own gas. Have at it. Like I said to each his own. If you are arguing that pumping your own gas doesn’t expose you more than not you are a moron.
Oh those brutal Portland Winters!!!
What a wimp. Jesus.
So I’m a wimp for liking to have gas attendants. Wow I figured you for a little more sense. Your about as tolerant as a Democrat.
I don’t seem to care what you and your ilk here choose but you have to denigrate someone you don’t know with perjoratives because they don’t agree with you. I had you pegged completely wrong.
Dude! I said stop digging for a reason. I could've said stop shitting all over yourself, but I was being courteous.
Your "Oregon is Smarter" point is stupid and annoying - and that's being nice.
If you’re getting gasoline all over your hands when you pump gas, you’re doing it wrong.
Also, do you just not pay for your gas or are you still handing him your card which he will touch and hand back?
Gas nozzles without any gas spilled on them by others. Those are amazing places you have been going to. Credit cards? Wow what a danger. Can’t clean them. I use cash and wash my hands. It sounds like you just enjoy pumping your own gas. Hey If you like getting out in the rain and cold to pump your own gas. Have at it. Like I said to each his own. If you are arguing that pumping your own gas doesn’t expose you more than not you are a moron.
Oh those brutal Portland Winters!!!
What a wimp. Jesus.
So I’m a wimp for liking to have gas attendants. Wow I figured you for a little more sense. Your about as tolerant as a Democrat.
I don’t seem to care what you and your ilk here choose but you have to denigrate someone you don’t know with perjoratives because they don’t agree with you. I had you pegged completely wrong.
Dude! I said stop digging for a reason. I could've said stop shitting all over yourself, but I was being courteous.
Your "Oregon is Smarter" point is stupid and annoying - and that's being nice.
Dude you and your buddies here are way way way too sensitive. I’m not shitting on myself at all dude. I just presented the truth about self serve.
This was in no way meant to be an Oregon is smarter thread. I’m sorry if you took it that way It was meant to be tongue in cheek. I was amazed when you people responded with such vitriol.
I will leave you hopefully with a funny story that is NOT meant to be denigrating of Washington whatsoever but how stupid I can be sometimes. The longest I ever had to wait at an open pump was in Washington. I’ll guess some of you can guess why...........( If you can’t guess I’ll tell you)
BTW I love my State but I love Washington too. Washington is beautiful. I hate both Portland and Seattle.
I am an Oregon native. My white ancestors arrived here in 1828 about 20 years after Lewis and Clark. Oregon and Washington were one territory. My Mother was born and raised in Stevenson. We have family buried in Washington.
So here is my story which I’m sure has happened to other Oregonians. My wife and I pull into a gas station and we sit and sit for what seems like forever. I comment to the wife that this is really poor service. Then of course she says to me...........” honey we are in Washington.”😬
You couldn’t even survive some of the experiences I’ve been through. Frail hahahahahahaha
Good to know.
Fuck off.
What a wimp. Jesus.
I’ll take my answers off the air.
In the study I cited which most of you seem to have ignored
-gas nozzles were the worst thing for transferring disease
-Cash was not even mentioned
-When I had my own business I was paid in cash, I learned to wash my hands
I don’t seem to care what you and your ilk here choose but you have to denigrate someone you don’t know with perjoratives because they don’t agree with you. I had you pegged completely wrong.
Your "Oregon is Smarter" point is stupid and annoying - and that's being nice.
This was in no way meant to be an Oregon is smarter thread. I’m sorry if you took it that way It was meant to be tongue in cheek. I was amazed when you people responded with such vitriol.
I will leave you hopefully with a funny story that is NOT meant to be denigrating of Washington whatsoever but how stupid I can be sometimes. The longest I ever had to wait at an open pump was in Washington. I’ll guess some of you can guess why...........( If you can’t guess I’ll tell you)
BTW I love my State but I love Washington too. Washington is beautiful. I hate both Portland and Seattle.
I am an Oregon native. My white ancestors arrived here in 1828 about 20 years after Lewis and Clark. Oregon and Washington were one territory. My Mother was born and raised in Stevenson. We have family buried in Washington.
it is bad enough that I am tempted to go guzzle the HCH preferred drink of choice