SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Gavin Newsom released a sweeping executive order on Thursday that allows the state to commandeer hotels and medical facilities to treat coronavirus patients and permits government officials to hold teleconferences in private without violating open meeting laws.
JFC this is way more effective than terrorism to get people to give away their liberty
It's why socialist assholes lead with free healthcare
SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Gavin Newsom released a sweeping executive order on Thursday that allows the state to commandeer hotels and medical facilities to treat coronavirus patients and permits government officials to hold teleconferences in private without violating open meeting laws.
JFC this is way more effective than terrorism to get people to give away their liberty
It's why socialist assholes lead with free healthcare
I honestly don't think this lasts past four days, maybe 7 at the most.
SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Gavin Newsom released a sweeping executive order on Thursday that allows the state to commandeer hotels and medical facilities to treat coronavirus patients and permits government officials to hold teleconferences in private without violating open meeting laws.
JFC this is way more effective than terrorism to get people to give away their liberty
It's why socialist assholes lead with free healthcare
This is no time to sit around and discuss liberty. Give your property to the state. It’s for the greater good.
JFC this is way more effective than terrorism to get people to give away their liberty
It's why socialist assholes lead with free healthcare