Testing procedures were designed by the CDC and NIH. You think they attract the best and the brightest medical and logistical minds? They are the phucking deep state bureaucracy. What they attract is incompetent leftard bureaucrat wannabes whose chief interests are status and turf. Trump asked them if they had all they needed in January. They said yes. After this is over he should fire the lot of them and outsource the damn thing.
Why Have So Few Americans Been Tested for Coronavirus?
After problems arose with the C.D.C.’s test, officials could have switched to using successful tests that other countries were already using. But the officials refused to do so, essentially because it would have required changing bureaucratic procedures.
The federal government could also have eased regulations on American hospitals and laboratories, to allow them to create and manufacture their own tests, as Melissa Miller of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine told The Washington Post. But federal officials did not do so for weeks.
On Facebook, Virginia Postrel observes, “The people who screwed this up weren’t Trumpites. They were the pros.”
How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse: FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.
Is cryn Chuck still pissed about travel restrictions.
WTF does that have to do with our failure to roll out testing in a competent manner?
It’s has to do with it because leftist fags criticized trump for taking action 6 weeks ago and then started flipping out over fucking tests. Fucking pick one.
Testing procedures were designed by the CDC and NIH. You think they attract the best and the brightest medical and logistical minds? They are the phucking deep state bureaucracy. What they attract is incompetent leftard bureaucrat wannabes whose chief interests are status and turf. Trump asked them if they had all they needed in January. They said yes. After this is over he should fire the lot of them and outsource the damn thing.
Why Have So Few Americans Been Tested for Coronavirus?
After problems arose with the C.D.C.’s test, officials could have switched to using successful tests that other countries were already using. But the officials refused to do so, essentially because it would have required changing bureaucratic procedures.
The federal government could also have eased regulations on American hospitals and laboratories, to allow them to create and manufacture their own tests, as Melissa Miller of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine told The Washington Post. But federal officials did not do so for weeks.
On Facebook, Virginia Postrel observes, “The people who screwed this up weren’t Trumpites. They were the pros.”
How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse: FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.
Nope...This administration has been systematically undermining our government's ability to deal effectively and quickly with this kind of crisis since day one. Furthermore, where they haven't outright eliminated the agencies and infrastructure that the previous administration bolstered, they have worked hard to cut funding and dis-empower the true experts, placing totally unqualified yes men in leadership roles (those would be the federal officials you reference above). The "Deep State" you want to blame is full of dedicated medical experts who have been sounding the alarm up the chain for years . The Trump administration was and is deaf to this. They own it. Trump owns it. The rank and file look for leadership and empowerment to act from the top down. What they got was a clear message to shut up and not piss off the boss. Fuck, this administration can't even roll out a prepared speech and get their facts right. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-fire-pandemic-team/ https://fortune.com/2020/02/26/coronavirus-covid-19-cdc-budget-cuts-us-trump/
Testing procedures were designed by the CDC and NIH. You think they attract the best and the brightest medical and logistical minds? They are the phucking deep state bureaucracy. What they attract is incompetent leftard bureaucrat wannabes whose chief interests are status and turf. Trump asked them if they had all they needed in January. They said yes. After this is over he should fire the lot of them and outsource the damn thing.
Why Have So Few Americans Been Tested for Coronavirus?
After problems arose with the C.D.C.’s test, officials could have switched to using successful tests that other countries were already using. But the officials refused to do so, essentially because it would have required changing bureaucratic procedures.
The federal government could also have eased regulations on American hospitals and laboratories, to allow them to create and manufacture their own tests, as Melissa Miller of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine told The Washington Post. But federal officials did not do so for weeks.
On Facebook, Virginia Postrel observes, “The people who screwed this up weren’t Trumpites. They were the pros.”
How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse: FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.
Nope...This administration has been systematically undermining our government's ability to deal effectively and quickly with this kind of crisis since day one. Furthermore, where they haven't outright eliminated the agencies and infrastructure that the previous administration bolstered, they have worked hard to cut funding and dis-empower the true experts, placing totally unqualified yes men in leadership roles (those would be the federal officials you reference above). The "Deep State" you want to blame is full of dedicated medical experts who have been sounding the alarm up the chain for years . The Trump administration was and is deaf to this. They own it. Trump owns it. The rank and file look for leadership and empowerment to act from the top down. What they got was a clear message to shut up and not piss off the boss. Fuck, this administration can't even roll out a prepared speech and get their facts right. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-fire-pandemic-team/ https://fortune.com/2020/02/26/coronavirus-covid-19-cdc-budget-cuts-us-trump/
But but but Trump restricted travel from China 6 weeks ago! What more could you expect our Commander in Chief to do to stop a global pandemic?
Is cryn Chuck still pissed about travel restrictions.
WTF does that have to do with our failure to roll out testing in a competent manner?
It’s has to do with it because leftist fags criticized trump for taking action 6 weeks ago and then started flipping out over fucking tests. Fucking pick one.
Testing and isolating the infected will help contain the virus. South Korea is testing 10k patients a day and the rate of new cases there has dropped to its lowest level in three weeks. Why is this such a hard concept for you MAGAtards to grasp?
Testing procedures were designed by the CDC and NIH. You think they attract the best and the brightest medical and logistical minds? They are the phucking deep state bureaucracy. What they attract is incompetent leftard bureaucrat wannabes whose chief interests are status and turf. Trump asked them if they had all they needed in January. They said yes. After this is over he should fire the lot of them and outsource the damn thing.
Why Have So Few Americans Been Tested for Coronavirus?
After problems arose with the C.D.C.’s test, officials could have switched to using successful tests that other countries were already using. But the officials refused to do so, essentially because it would have required changing bureaucratic procedures.
The federal government could also have eased regulations on American hospitals and laboratories, to allow them to create and manufacture their own tests, as Melissa Miller of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine told The Washington Post. But federal officials did not do so for weeks.
On Facebook, Virginia Postrel observes, “The people who screwed this up weren’t Trumpites. They were the pros.”
How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse: FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.
Nope...This administration has been systematically undermining our government's ability to deal effectively and quickly with this kind of crisis since day one. Furthermore, where they haven't outright eliminated the agencies and infrastructure that the previous administration bolstered, they have worked hard to cut funding and dis-empower the true experts, placing totally unqualified yes men in leadership roles (those would be the federal officials you reference above). The "Deep State" you want to blame is full of dedicated medical experts who have been sounding the alarm up the chain for years . The Trump administration was and is deaf to this. They own it. Trump owns it. The rank and file look for leadership and empowerment to act from the top down. What they got was a clear message to shut up and not piss off the boss. Fuck, this administration can't even roll out a prepared speech and get their facts right. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-fire-pandemic-team/ https://fortune.com/2020/02/26/coronavirus-covid-19-cdc-budget-cuts-us-trump/
Testing procedures were designed by the CDC and NIH. You think they attract the best and the brightest medical and logistical minds? They are the phucking deep state bureaucracy. What they attract is incompetent leftard bureaucrat wannabes whose chief interests are status and turf. Trump asked them if they had all they needed in January. They said yes. After this is over he should fire the lot of them and outsource the damn thing.
Why Have So Few Americans Been Tested for Coronavirus?
After problems arose with the C.D.C.’s test, officials could have switched to using successful tests that other countries were already using. But the officials refused to do so, essentially because it would have required changing bureaucratic procedures.
The federal government could also have eased regulations on American hospitals and laboratories, to allow them to create and manufacture their own tests, as Melissa Miller of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine told The Washington Post. But federal officials did not do so for weeks.
On Facebook, Virginia Postrel observes, “The people who screwed this up weren’t Trumpites. They were the pros.”
How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse: FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.
Nope...This administration has been systematically undermining our government's ability to deal effectively and quickly with this kind of crisis since day one. Furthermore, where they haven't outright eliminated the agencies and infrastructure that the previous administration bolstered, they have worked hard to cut funding and dis-empower the true experts, placing totally unqualified yes men in leadership roles (those would be the federal officials you reference above). The "Deep State" you want to blame is full of dedicated medical experts who have been sounding the alarm up the chain for years . The Trump administration was and is deaf to this. They own it. Trump owns it. The rank and file look for leadership and empowerment to act from the top down. What they got was a clear message to shut up and not piss off the boss. Fuck, this administration can't even roll out a prepared speech and get their facts right. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-fire-pandemic-team/ https://fortune.com/2020/02/26/coronavirus-covid-19-cdc-budget-cuts-us-trump/
Hypocrites abound in the progressive universe.
SIT DOWN JOE… Biden Attacks Trump on Coronavirus – But Biden-Obama Waited Til Over One Million Infected, 1,000 Deaths Before Declaring H1N1 National Emergency
Obama waited MONTHS before declaring the H1N1 a national emergency.
And despite the fact that the virus was coming into the US from Mexico President Obama NEVER shut down the border with Mexico.
This won’t make any headlines in the coming weeks.
PJ Media reported:
In April of 2009, the H1N1 became a pandemic.
But it wasn’t until six months later, October, that then-President Obama declared a public health emergency on what was already a pandemic. By that time, the disease had infected millions of Americans and more than 1,000 people had died in the U.S.
CNN reported at the time:
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [emphasis added] Furthermore, the CDC’s Frieden fretted at the time that efforts to create a vaccine had stumbled:
“We are nowhere near where we thought we would be,” Frieden said, acknowledging that manufacturing delays have contributed to less vaccine being available than expected. “As public health professionals, vaccination is our strongest tool. Not having enough is frustrating to all of us.”
Frieden said that while the way vaccine is manufactured is “tried and true,” it’s not well-suited for ramping up production during a pandemic because it takes at least six months. The vaccine is produced by growing weakened virus in eggs.
But wait, there’s more.
According to Virology Journal, the 2009 H1N1 came into the U.S. from Mexico:
The swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus that appeared in 2009 and was first found in human beings in Mexico, is a reassortant with at least three parents. Six of the genes are closest in sequence to those of H1N2 ‘triple-reassortant’ influenza viruses isolated from pigs in North America around 1999-2000.
Is cryn Chuck still pissed about travel restrictions.
WTF does that have to do with our failure to roll out testing in a competent manner?
It’s has to do with it because leftist fags criticized trump for taking action 6 weeks ago and then started flipping out over fucking tests. Fucking pick one.
Testing and isolating the infected will help contain the virus. South Korea is testing 10k patients a day and the rate of new cases there has dropped to its lowest level in three weeks. Why is this such a hard concept for you MAGAtards to grasp?
You fucking libtards think that tests are somehow the cure. We've already closed the schools, prohibited large gatherings, shut down colleges, shut down every sport. Everyone knows what they should be doing to avoid catching the virus. And with the amount of time that the virus has been known to be, the US has exponentially less deaths than every other country that has experienced deaths.
The US is leading the world in COVID -19 prevention.
Is cryn Chuck still pissed about travel restrictions.
WTF does that have to do with our failure to roll out testing in a competent manner?
It’s has to do with it because leftist fags criticized trump for taking action 6 weeks ago and then started flipping out over fucking tests. Fucking pick one.
Testing and isolating the infected will help contain the virus. South Korea is testing 10k patients a day and the rate of new cases there has dropped to its lowest level in three weeks. Why is this such a hard concept for you MAGAtards to grasp?
You fucking libtards think that tests are somehow the cure. We've already closed the schools, prohibited large gatherings, shut down colleges, shut down every sport. Everyone knows what they should be doing to avoid catching the virus. And with the amount of time that the virus has been known to be, the US has exponentially less deaths than every other country that has experienced deaths.
The US is leading the world in COVID -19 prevention.
BUT THE TESTS!!!! though.
More tests would help. As of right now I'm still going into the office and I'm still walking around in public, even hit my favorite bar after work yesterday. Poor bastards, the place was empty, I felt so bad for the guy. If I could take a test and know that I had the virus I wouldn't have done any of these things.
Why Have So Few Americans Been Tested for Coronavirus?
After problems arose with the C.D.C.’s test, officials could have switched to using successful tests that other countries were already using. But the officials refused to do so, essentially because it would have required changing bureaucratic procedures.
The federal government could also have eased regulations on American hospitals and laboratories, to allow them to create and manufacture their own tests, as Melissa Miller of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine told The Washington Post. But federal officials did not do so for weeks.
On Facebook, Virginia Postrel observes, “The people who screwed this up weren’t Trumpites. They were the pros.”
How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse: FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.
democrats are liars but by all means let's get even more RATs and more government in control
SIT DOWN JOE… Biden Attacks Trump on Coronavirus – But Biden-Obama Waited Til Over One Million Infected, 1,000 Deaths Before Declaring H1N1 National Emergency
And despite the fact that the virus was coming into the US from Mexico President Obama NEVER shut down the border with Mexico.
This won’t make any headlines in the coming weeks.
PJ Media reported:
In April of 2009, the H1N1 became a pandemic.
But it wasn’t until six months later, October, that then-President Obama declared a public health emergency on what was already a pandemic. By that time, the disease had infected millions of Americans and more than 1,000 people had died in the U.S.
CNN reported at the time:
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [emphasis added] Furthermore, the CDC’s Frieden fretted at the time that efforts to create a vaccine had stumbled:
“We are nowhere near where we thought we would be,” Frieden said, acknowledging that manufacturing delays have contributed to less vaccine being available than expected. “As public health professionals, vaccination is our strongest tool. Not having enough is frustrating to all of us.”
Frieden said that while the way vaccine is manufactured is “tried and true,” it’s not well-suited for ramping up production during a pandemic because it takes at least six months. The vaccine is produced by growing weakened virus in eggs.
But wait, there’s more.
According to Virology Journal, the 2009 H1N1 came into the U.S. from Mexico:
The swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus that appeared in 2009 and was first found in human beings in Mexico, is a reassortant with at least three parents. Six of the genes are closest in sequence to those of H1N2 ‘triple-reassortant’ influenza viruses isolated from pigs in North America around 1999-2000.
The US is leading the world in COVID -19 prevention.
BUT THE TESTS!!!! though.
Just think if you own a sports bar right now.